緊急滅火!Kanye West 正式向 Drake 道歉示好

今早才剛為大家報導 Drake 計劃在與 French Montana 的新歌《No Stylist》中,以「I told her don’t wear no 350s ’round me.」暗諷 Kanye West,原因為多月前 Drake 與 Pusha-T 的 Beef 事件延燒。而上月 Kanye 曾在 107.5 WGCI Chicago 電台節目中談論此事,他表示自身並無參與此事件,也無權插手 Pusha-T 的個人行為,但他認為該是時候跳出來緩和與調停這件事了。
Sending good energy and love to Drake and family and crew💜💜💜
I haven’t seen the show in person but the images look incredible online
I understand where the confusion started pic.twitter.com/oxSEEbNB1g
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年9月5日
時至今日,Kanye 於 Twitter 公開喊話,首先分享了 Drake 的巡演畫面與傳遞正面能量,並談起雙方可能的多方誤解,包括專輯發佈撞期、Beef 事件、《Lift Yourself》合作的臨時跳票等話題。Kanye 順勢表示對 Drake 與 Pusha-T 的敬意,希望兩人能藉此和好,更表示他從無向 Pusha-T 談論他兒子的事。隨後 Kanye 也談到下週將參與 Drake 的巡演專場,期待他現場給予的相關啟發。
Let me start by apologizing for stepping on your release date in the first place … We were building a bond and working on music together including squashing the issues with Cudi at our office.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年9月5日
When I put the dates up I was a bit ramped up doing 25 tweets a day TMZ happened shortly after … I have to hop on the plane now… will type more when I land
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年9月5日
plane taxiing for take off… because we spoke about doing Lift Yourself together I should have given you the opportunity for us to do this together before I released it
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年9月5日
since we were building as friends and brothers I should have spoken to Pusha about the Quentin Miller bar. There should have been no songs with my involvement that had any negative energy towards you
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年9月5日
I never listened to either diss track that followed but I did hear quotes from both songs after they were released
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年9月5日
I did not have any conversations about your child with Pusha. I don’t play with the idea of people’s children after I spoke to Wiz a few years earlier.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年9月5日
I understand Pusha’s issues as a man if someone mentions your fiancé men go mask off. I’ve done the same myself at times. I love you and I love Pusha and we all have an admiration for each other’s craft.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年9月5日
This is all Jedi level. I will be coming to your show within the next seven days to give love and be inspired by the art you have created.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) 2018年9月5日
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