Hedi Slimane 主導的 CELINE 2019 春夏首秀竟負評如潮?
世人似乎無法接受改變過後的 CELINE。

自年初 LVMH 集團正式公佈 Hedi Slimane 將入主 CELINE 擔任品牌的藝術、創意及形象總監並且開啟男裝、高級定製與香水系列後,無疑是宣告 Hedi Slimane 的到來將對這個擁有超過半世紀歷史的女裝品牌帶來一場革新,但這也讓業界普遍對 CELINE 的前景不看好。而今回在萬眾注目的巴黎時裝周上,Hedi Slimane 於 CELINE 的首個時裝秀也揭開了全貌,從中不難看出,Hedi Slimane 確實完整展現了他的個人風格,也就是其聞名時尚圈的修身剪裁。
除了滿載法式氣息的女裝之外,CELINE 今回的男裝還帶來了世人所熟悉的緊身西裝、雙排扣夾克以及大量運用黑、白兩色的領帶,另外 Hedi Slimane 偏愛的潑墨圖樣、亮片、條紋等設計也未缺席。另外眼尖的讀者可能會發現,今季 CELINE 並未帶來太多男裝配件項目,幾乎將重心全放置在服裝上,女裝亦然,整體設計相信對 Phoebe Philo 的死忠粉絲來說,顯然無法得其心,甚至在網上我們能夠看到一片負評。
So, in case we were in any doubt, Hedi Slimane is officially a one-trick pony. And Celine has just lost an entire customer base. #RIP #Celine
— Glynis Traill-Nash (@GlynisTN) 2018年9月28日
Welp…that was mostly a disappointment! #Celine
— BoBo The Angsty Zebra (@yosoymichael) 2018年9月28日
I’m gathering all my coins and going to purchase as much #oldceline as possible. #phoebephilo created masterpieces. The new direction of #Celine is not for me.
— Tiara Headen (@TiaraHeaden) 2018年9月28日
That #Celine show was OFFENSIVE. It was the antithesis of Phoebe’s vision for the house. I’m not opposed to change; Phoebe had her time. But when that change comes in the form of whitewashing, pre-pubescent looking girls and appallingly lazy design literally BYE
— Hannah Tindle (@hannahtindle) 2018年9月28日
He has no vision and absolutly no sense of history. It is just rock and roll, which is played out and no longer interesting. #phoebephilo must be laughing and screaming at the same time. RIP #CELINE
— Steven Losco (@runwayopinion) 2018年9月28日
Hedi’s boy & girl may want it too, but his cycle are “some years for Fashion” and “some years for Camera”. Can’t keep own maison.#CELINE
https://t.co/d8cKTZHjtw— Black&Purple (@Black__Purple) 2018年9月28日
當然除了負評之外,自然也有 Hedi Slimane 的支持者給予讚賞,各位不妨在留言處與我們分享你對於新舊世代的 CELINE 之間有何看法?同時亦可留意 Palace 2018 冬季系列 Lookbook 正式發佈的消息。