終年僅 32 歲-著名刺青模特兒「Zombie Boy」Rick Genest 自殺離世
Lady Gaga 發文呼籲大家要關注精神健康。

據 iHeartRadio Canada 消息,以「Zombie Boy」之名為人所知的加拿大模特兒 Rick Genest 於當地時間星期三在蒙特利爾的公寓中自殺身亡,年僅 32 歲。Genest 憑遍佈全身的骷髏骨刺青而讓人過目不忘,他在 2010 年被設計師 Nicola Formichetti 發掘並出鏡時裝屋 Thierry Mugler 的廣告,隨後更參演了 Lady Gaga 的《Born This Way》MV,由此一炮而紅,成為全球時尚舞台上一時的常客。Genest 原本將在 8 月 7 日迎來 33 歲生日,卻讓人意外地選擇結束生命,而與其有多年交情的 Lady Gaga 也在 Twitter 上沈痛哀悼,更呼籲大家要關注精神健康。R.I.P.
The suicide of friend Rick Genest, Zombie Boy is beyond devastating. We have to work harder to change the culture, bring Mental Health to the forefront and erase the stigma that we can’t talk about it. If you are suffering, call a friend or family today. We must save each other. pic.twitter.com/THz6x5JlpB
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) 2018年8月3日
Science tells us that it takes 21 days to form a habit, if you are suffering from Mental Health issue I beckon for today to be your first day or a continuation of the work you’ve been doing. Reach out if you’re in pain, and if you know someone who is, reach out to them too. pic.twitter.com/4pVR5xyoH6
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) 2018年8月3日