被指抄襲美軍學院校徽!Nike 取消 UNDEFEATED 聯乘系列並致歉

為慶祝正在舉行的俄羅斯 2018 世界盃 FIFA World Cup,Nike 近日跟 UNDEFEATED 合作帶來了名為「The Fives」的聯乘系列,不過由於當中的設計涉嫌抄襲,令系列的發售計劃最終被取消。同時印上 Nike 和 UNDEFEATED 兩大品牌圖案的 Logo,是貫穿整個系列的重點設計,不過該 Logo 被直指跟美國海軍學院 U.S. Naval Academy 的校徽非常相似,有抄襲之嫌,連海軍學院也在 Twitter 上發聲明,說 Nike 跟 UNDEFEATED 的設計屬侵權行爲,違反了商標法,並表示已跟海軍領導層合作,命令對方停止使用該 Logo。Nike 最終決定完全中止「The Fives」聯乘系列的發售計劃,同時刪除所有已發布的相關官方內容,並就此失誤向美國海軍學院致歉。
The similarities of the Nike/UNDEFEATED logo released this week and the USNA Crest are undeniable and we believe their logo is clearly an infringement under trademark law. USNA is working with Navy leadership to order Nike/UNDEFEATED to cease and desist their use of the logo.
— U.S. Naval Academy (@NavalAcademy) 14 June 2018
The Naval Academy appreciates Nike’s announcement to no longer use the UNDEFEATED logo resembling our Naval Academy crest. We are pleased by this decision which is respectful of the Academy, our students and alumni. #usna #USNavy #nike #midshipmen #gonavymids
— U.S. Naval Academy (@NavalAcademy) 16 June 2018
I hope you didnt pay much for this logo. Its been around a while. Since the late 1800’s. Lots of men and women have died so you can infringe a trademark and be stupid. And by the way Navy’s clothing of choice is Under Armour. pic.twitter.com/jU32d6iyiB
— WHEN DID I EAT THAT? (@whendidieatthat) 13 June 2018
另外,HYPEBEAST 早前為迎接俄羅斯 2018 世界盃 FIFA World Cup,特別打造了名為「Football Mania」的造型特輯,有興趣可點進這裡欣賞。