編劇表示 Brie Larson 在開拍《Captain Marvel》前已經拍攝《Avengers 4》

在上月末時,MARVEL STUDIOS 便發佈照片正式宣佈《Captain Marvel》電影正在開拍,以 90 年代故事背景交代 Captain Marvel,從而將她帶到明年的《Avengers 4》裏頭。因為連飾演 Thanos 的 演員 Josh Brolin 也證實了,他和飾演 Captain Marvel 的 Brie Larson 置身於至少一個場景,讓一眾影迷們都認為 Captain Marvel 將會是的《Avengers 4》中的關鍵之一,是個舉足輕重的角色。但原來在最近的一次訪問中,《Avengers 4》編劇 Stephen McFeely 表示, Brie Larson 在開拍《Captain Marvel》前已經拍攝《Avengers 4》的戲份。
We were in the position we were in with Spider-Man and Panther where Brie was going to have to shoot her scenes, I think it’s okay to say, before she shot Captain Marvel. So, we can’t really talk about what we decided, but it was clearly a conversation we had to have with Ryan and Anna who didn’t exist yet before when we started that process. So, you are bringing directors on and were trying to set up something that will work for our movie and not screw up their movie.
編劇指是因為檔期關係,不得不在她開拍《Captain Marvel》前便要先拍好她在攝《Avengers 4》的場景,同時並不能因為互相耽誤雙方的電影工作,而是應該更妥善的安排。有關《Captain Marvel》將於明年 3 月 8 日上映,並將會在《Avengers 4》中再度登場,早前我們亦報導官方對《Avengers 4》的故事簡介,有興趣的可至這裡裏閱看。