Kobe Bryant 作客《Jimmy Kimmel Live!》分享年輕時與 Shaq 鬥毆一事

Kobe Bryant 同時也分享的榮獲奧斯卡獎的喜悅。

Sports 體育

第 90 屆奧斯卡金像獎約完美落幕一週,雖然收視率下跌幅度大,但在網絡興起的世代下成了必須黯然接受的事實,但仍有不少量點值得大家留意,包括最佳女主角得主 Frances McDormand 呼籲的「Inclusion Rider」一詞。而擔任主持人的 Jimmy Kimmel 也於近期邀請憑藉《Dear Basketball》拿下的「最佳動畫短片」 Kobe Bryant 登上節目分享這份極大喜悅。除了奧斯卡話題外,也談到 Kobe Bryant 曾在 1998-99 賽季與隊友 Shaquille O’Neal 某賽中爭執與出手的舊事,Jimmy 隨後問及誰先出手,Kobe 回答:「Shaq」,更形容 Shaq 的拳頭有多大,當時跟他產生衝突真是人生最瘋狂的一件事。

Oh, he did (throw the first punch),” Kobe said. “I couldn’t reach him. I saw this big fist … and during the interview, I picked up his hand, I’m looking at the size of his hand and I’m going ‘I must have been the craziest 19-year-old in the world to fight this guy,’ but it is what it is.

“He threw a punch, I had to slip it, and I threw one back. And then everybody jumped in and broke it apart. … At that point, you just gotta say ‘Either you’re going to beat the hell out of me but you’re going to know I’m not going to back down.”

當時兩人不合的傳聞甚囂塵上,但兩人依舊成功合作拿下三枚冠軍戒指。Jimmy 最後還幫 Kobe 的獎座穿上球衣,畫面十分逗趣。有興趣的讀者不妨趕緊觀賞兩則影片,亦可留意 Lakers 球迷重金租下「4 幅廣告牌」招募 LeBron James 一事



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