LeBron James 表明不支持 NBA 改變現有季後賽制度


Sports 體育

先前曾報導 NBA 聯盟總裁 Adam Silver 有意改變現有的季後賽制度,採取全聯盟前 16 名球隊晉級,試圖平衡東西區球隊實力不均的現況,而 LeBron James 在今日接受媒體採訪時,分享了對於此事的看法。LeBron 表明不支持聯盟改變現有季後賽制度,認為目前已建立正確制度,並行之有年,更提出了綜觀過去分區制度下,成功誕生許多歷史強權,包括過去的 Celtics、Lakers、Spurs、Heat 與現在的 Warriors,假如做出重大改革,或許將會影響所謂的聯盟生態與歷史版圖。

有興趣的讀者不妨留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導,亦可閱讀 ESPN 列出 7 隊 LeBron James 今夏有機會加盟的潛在球隊

I would disagree with that. I think our League has been built the right way when it comes to the postseason. There’s been dominant conferences throughout time.

In the ’80s you had the Lakers who dominated the league at one point, then you had Boston that dominated the league. In the ’90s you had Chicago that dominated the league. San Antonio also had its run. We had our run in the East with Miami; Golden State is having their run.

It changes the landscape of the history of the game if you start messing with seedings and playoffs.



LeBron James 透露或將在 1、2 年後選擇退休
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LeBron James 透露或將在 1、2 年後選擇退休


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