Kevin Durant 回應 LeBron James 加盟勇士傳言:Bulls--t!
KD:這個聯盟什麼事都可能發生,就像沒人料到我會加盟 Warriors。

昨日 NBA 最大震撼彈為傳出今夏 Golden State Warriors 只要能騰出薪資空間,就有可能進行招募 LeBron James 的動作。此事一出引來眾家媒體與球評議論,今番媒體就找上了 Golden State Warriors 的多位球員,針對此事進行看法分享,得知此事的 Kevin Durant 一聽到後即刻脫口而出:Bulls–t!隨後,KD 補充說道聯盟的運作就是如此無法預測,就像沒人料到他會加盟 Golden State Warriors。而隊友 David West 則輕描淡寫的回應:他必須與 Draymond Green 搶 23 號(He’s gotta get No. 23 from Draymond Green)。
Bullshit, but in this league, just like a couple years ago, me coming here nobody would have thought that. It’s part of me as a basketball player, like let’s just worry about basketball. Then on the other side, we know it’s business as well, and a lot of crazy things have happened since I’ve been in the league. And in the future, it’s gonna be even crazier things that are going to happen.
What was Kevin Durant’s first thought when he saw report of LeBron James being willing to meet with #Warriors in free agency?
— 95.7 The Game (@957thegame) 2018年2月1日
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