本週英雄大片《Venom》(台譯:猛毒 / 港譯:毒魔)在上映前,Tom Hardy 意外透露個人喜愛的場面皆未收錄在正片之中,長達 30 – 40 分鐘遭到刪減。而男配角 Riz Ahmed 則表示是因為無法幫助正片達到加分效果,才會做出刪減決策。《Venom》將以 PG-13 評級登陸各大戲院,讓影迷期待的的血腥場面無法於戲院上欣賞,而 Tom Hardy 此話一出又讓影迷們更加緊張《Venom》究竟是否值得期待?
知名影評網站 Rotten Tomatoes(爛番茄)僅給 30% 的新鮮度,多位影評人昨晚紛紛於 Twitter 上公開個人評價,首先有談到男主角 Eddie Brock 與共生體的互動是有趣的,而動作場面與娛樂性都是正面評價;但劇本並不突出,電影節奏相當零碎,讓人難以忍受。此外,也有人砲火抨擊《Venom》與《Catwoman》同樣糟糕,甚至認為《Venom》 是 Tom Hardy 有史以來表現最差的一部作品。以下影評僅供參考,影迷們自行斟酌閱讀:
Action-sequences and Eddie and Venom’s odd relationship are the highlights of #Venom but if Sony wants to move forward with a universe, it needs to just keep the few parts that work and scrap the large portion which does t.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) 2018年10月2日
Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock and #Venom has some really entertaining moments. A clunky script without nuance bogs the #Venom down, preventing it from choosing between being gritty, funny, or something unique.
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) 2018年10月2日
I’m *fascinated* with VENOM. The cast seems to all know they’re in a darker superhero movie, except Tom Hardy who is basically remaking Jim Carrey’s Liar Liar. I kinda loved watching this movie, in a Rocky Horror type of way. At one point Tom Hardy and Venom make out.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) 2018年10月2日
#Venom is Catwoman level bad, with Tom Hardy’s worst performance since This Means War.
DON’T SEE THE MOVIE!— Daniel R (@DanielRPK) 2018年10月2日
It’s…not a complete disaster? At least I was never mad watching it? But it is an excruciatingly surreal experience. The humor, the story beats, everything right down to the Eminem theme song feels like it emerged Kimmy Schmidt style from a sealed off early 00s bunker.
— The Mothmeg 🔜 NYCC (@rustypolished) 2018年10月2日
Anyway, your mileage is really, really going to vary on this one. There are genuinely some echos of clever ideas but…man. If there’s one superhero franchise that’s having a killer couple years, it’s Spider-Man. No matter how you slice it, Venom is a major non sequitur.
— The Mothmeg 🔜 NYCC (@rustypolished) 2018年10月2日
Sorry to say that #Venom is pretty much a complete failure – a tonal mess that feels 15 years old, ignoring the storytelling strides that the superhero genre has made in recent years.
A few fun Venom-centric moments aside, it has nearly nothing to offer. Don’t get your hopes up.
— Tom Horrorgensen (@Tom_Jorgensen) 2018年10月2日
Significant chunks of #Venom don’t work *at all* but there is some serious charm to the Eddie/Venom relationship. Not sure I had the intended reactions to some scenes but fun is fun – even when it’s totally ridiculous, right? It’s too bad they didn’t go for the R rating though.
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) 2018年10月2日
Tom Hardy’s performance in #Venom is either Johnny Depp in the first PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN or Chris Klein in STREET FIGHTER: THE LEGEND OF CHUN-LI. Either way, it’s not boring.
— Scott Mendelson (@ScottMendelson) 2018年10月2日
《Venom》台灣地區已正式上映,10 月 4 日登陸香港,有興趣的讀者請留意 HYPEBEAST 的追蹤報導,亦可留意新版《Hellboy》電影主角「地獄怪客」造型再次亮相的最新情報。