Lady Gaga 粉絲群起給予《Venom》負評

Lady Gaga 近來與知名演員 Bradley Cooper 一同演出了電影《A Star Is Born》,並且將於本週末正式上映,先前兩人參與電影節活動時此片已經獲得許多好評,甚至有兩人將奪下奧斯卡金像獎的呼聲,然而 Lady Gaga 的歌迷們似乎不以此滿足,他們希望能將偶像推向更高峰,因此在網路上開始攻擊起了本週《A Star Is Born》的強勁敵手《Venom》。
Extremely disappointed with the let down that #Venom was 😣 One of the films I was most excited for turned out to be the worst film. Hate to say that considering I am the biggest Venom fan… Looks like i’ll be taking my family to #AStarIsBorn instead!!
— maurizio / a star is born⭐️ (@edgeofenigma) October 2, 2018
Extremely disappointed with the let down that #Venom was 😣 One of the films I was most excited for turned out to be the WORST film. Hate to say that considering I am the biggest Venom fan… Looks like i’ll be taking my family to #AStarIsBorn instead. 💔
— Mhrad 🕷 (@TheFameJoanne) October 2, 2018
I saw #Venom last night and had to leave halfway through, my children wouldn’t stop crying at how bad it was. Luckily a second pre screening of #AStarIsBorn was about to start, and now we are all crying, tears of amazement. Please pray for my eldest he is still in a coma.
— Anne Harrison (@AnneHarrisonMom) October 2, 2018
#Venom reviews aren’t good which means y’all should go watch the critically acclaimed #AStarIsBorn instead!!!
— Hector (@optimistinblack) October 2, 2018
英雄大片《Venom》同樣也是本週上映,雖然主角 Tom Hardy 先前訪問時透露自己喜歡的場面皆未收錄在正片之中,長達 30 – 40 分鐘遭到刪減,今日開放影評更是一片慘淡,現在 Lady Gaga 歌迷再持續留下負評,無疑讓狀況雪上加霜,不過當 Lady Gaga 的歌迷們群起攻擊《Venom》時,《Venom》的影迷當然也不甘示弱的反擊,開始在網路上製作《A Star Is Born》的 meme,雖然雙方像是在互相減弱氣勢,但似乎更變相的成為兩片的最佳廣告。究竟這兩部電影最後會是誰奪下本週票房第一?就讓我們拭目以待了!在此之前請收看以下《Venom》影迷反擊,或關注 Post Malone 揭露《蜘蛛俠:跳入蜘蛛宇宙》動畫電影最新配樂曲目消息。
Walked into #AStarIsBorn and was disappointed. Completely filled with Neo-Nazi propaganda and Bradley Coopers character constantly muttered the phrase the “South will rise again.” Taking my 8 kids and 9 grandchildren to see #Venom instead. If you don’t believe me see here:
— I Mighta Just Shidded (@iijustshidded) October 2, 2018
Okay, something is up. The negativity around the #Venom movie is looking very artificial.
— Nobody In California (@NobodyInCali) October 2, 2018
Can little muttonheads just shut the fuck up and watch #AStarIsBorn instead of bashing #Venom isn’t that simple
— Xoxo, Chaz (@BREAKINGTHECURE) October 2, 2018
Was at the midnight screening of #AStarIsBorn but couldn’t hear a single word because of the commotion coming from this woman , her husband, her 9 children & her 8 grandchildren as they engaged in a satanic orgy. I had to leave to watch #Venom, best movie in years!
— hava nagila (dance remix) (@shannytyrelle93) October 2, 2018