UPDATE: 《Avengers 4》首波電影預告片畫面率先洩露?!

影片開頭是 Thanos?

Entertainment 娛樂

UPDATE: 隨着電影預告片情節鋪排疑似洩露,有關其預告片小量畫面亦不約而同地公開,更直接顯示其電影名稱為《Avengers: Annihilation》。雖然有很多人認為這段影片只是粗製濫造,但各位也不妨看看當作了解。

有關於《Avengers 4》的資訊繼續在網絡上遊走浮現,畢竟有資深記者預測首波預告片發佈日期將近,而且自《Avengers: Infinity War》落畫後,Marvel 迷仍努力不懈地拆解電影當中彩蛋,希望找到更多誅絲馬跡。而近日 Russo 兄弟導演亦在 Twitter 上宣佈《Avengers 4》的補拍作業正式完成,同時上傳一張新照片作為最新線索,又再引起影迷們討論。然而以下所提及的內容,或者便是現時最強大的一個洩露,在 Reddit 上有名用戶突發地釋出一個帖文,表示他擁有《Avengers 4》首波電影預告片的情節鋪排,並引發一連串爭議到底孰真孰假。既然如此,倒不如一舉公開,讓大家也參與這個討論。

The trailer starts off showing the damaged Infinity Gauntlet in a field on the farm planet. As the camera focuses in on the Gauntlet, we hear Tony’s voice: “We were destined to lose.” Epic music score starts

The Quinjet is shown landing in a Wakandan wasteland as we hear Steve Rogers say: “We have come so far.” Tony and Nebula step off the jet as the remaining Avengers approach. Steve has a look of relief and says: “Tony”. Tony, seemingly defeated, shakes his head and gives a friendly smirk back to Cap.

Marvel Studios Logo appears. We get a glimpse of the Battle of New York from 2012 Avengers. Loki is shown looking shocked and baffled as he is on top of the Stark tower. There is a flash of a blue light as the camera pans back. (Cuts to black)

Next we see the Wakandan throne with M’Baku at the helm. He’s surrounded by his new kingsguard. (A mix of the hill tribe and Dora Milaje). Shuri and Banner are seen working on a new project in the lab. Black Widow, in full gear, is in Hawkeye’s family home from Age of Ultron. Basically everything is thrown all over the place and broken. Nat is studying some type of map with multiple photos and locations on it. A quick shot of Thanos is shown with a long sword, walking down an alleyway in New York City.

The next shot is a dark hooded figure with glowing eyes, aiming a bow and arrow before shooting towards the camera. (1-2 visuals of the Quantum Realm) Scott Lang (no suit) is shown running through a park dodging explosions. (Shot of Space) Thor and Valkyrie are aboard a Kree ship. Thor says: “If the stories are true, you’re our universe’s last hope. If such a thing even exists anymore”.

The next shot is an older, determined Tony Stark walking through the new SHIELD HQ’s (Avengers Facility in upstate New York). He’s in full SHIELD attire and carrying an orange briefcase. Banner (wearing spandex) is seen running from something, looking terrified. The next shot is Ant-Man appearing out of a flash of light and landing in a desolate place. We see it from his point of view from inside his helmet. He looks left to right and to his left again and says: “What in the-”. (Camera focuses on Vormir and its stars)

Next, a shot of Rocket and Nebula modifying some new weapons in the lab. Rocket says “When can we try this bad boy out?” They both smile at eachother and fist-bump. We get our first glimpse of Iron Man in his red and gold nanotech armor. Hulk falls from the sky and lands in front of him. Thanos, in full armor, smiles. Hulk smiles back.

The next shot is in Japan. War Machine, Nat, and Steve (in their full Avengers gear) are surrounded by The Yakuza. Hawkeye (Ronin) walks through everybody from behind them and approaches the Avengers. There’s an intense exchange of looks between Clint and Natasha (Next shot is at the Sanctum) Wong is communicating with Dr. Strange’s soul via portal. (Cuts to black)

Grey haired Tony Stark and Ant-Man are in a post-apocalyptic NYC. The screen flashes back and forth multiple times through multiple scenes. We see Captain Marvel floating with her fists on fire and her eyes lit up. Thanos in the soul stone with young Gamora screaming at him Loki and Thor fighting off Chitauri together. And Tony handing Steve a brand new shield in the Wakandan throne room. (Cuts back to Tony and Scott)

Tony opens the orange briefcase as Scott hands him an illuminated bracelet. Tony asks: “How?… Is this even possible?” (Iron Man and Ant-Man are shown travelling through the Quantum Realm. Tony and Scott are back in the battle of New York from 2012. The final shot before the title reveal is an Infinity Stone disappearing from Thanos’ damaged gauntlet. He abruptly gets up and puts on his armor. His face goes from extremely infuriated to a menacing smile.

Title reveal:

Avengers: Annihilation


The Hulk is training at the new SHIELD facility with Black Widow and Steve. Steve notices that Hulk has been training non-stop as of late, so he asks why. Hulk responds in Banner’s normal voice with: “My rematch is coming real soon, I can feel it!”

看着上面滿滿英文,相信是難以一下子消化了解。那便以中文去逐個分鏡解說。預告片開場是顯示 Thanos 受損的無限手套(Infinity Gauntlet),接着便聽到 Tony Stark 的聲音「我們注定是要失敗的」。影片亦緩緩播起前奏音樂,便由 Steve Rogers 說「我們到目前為止是」,一艘昆式戰鬥機便降落在已成荒地的 Wakanda,Tony,Nebula 和剩餘的 Avengers 離開 Quinjet。這時 Steve 鬆一口氣的叫了一聲「Tony」,只見看似失敗的 Tony 搖搖頭,回應一個友好的假笑。這時便浮起 Marvel Studios 的 Logo。

畫面接下來便回放 2012 年《Avengers》的紐約之戰,Loki 在 Stark Tower 頂上顯得震驚和困惑的表情,鏡頭一轉便有一盞藍燈正在閃爍。然後畫面便轉到 Wakanada,因為 T’Challa 被消失而令倖存的 M’Baku 掌舵王位,並由剩下的山地部落與 Dora Milaje 混合組成王隊保護着。Shuri 和 Banner 在實驗室中開展一個新項目,Black Widow 便身在 Hawkeye 的秘密家中,週遭東西支離破碎。同時她研究着留下來的某種類型地圖,上面有着多張照片和位置。接着很快速的插播了 Thanos 舞動着一把長身巨劍,下一個鏡頭已是一個黑色蒙面人物,雙眼發光並對着鏡頭射出一記弓箭。

然後又轉到量子領域的視覺效果,Scott Lang 沒有穿着 Ant-Man 戰衣地躲避爆炸。而在太空場景上 Thor 與 Valkyrie 身處於 Kree 太空船上,Thor 說道「如果故事是真的,那麼你就是我們宇宙的最後希望,或是這樣的事情甚至已經存在。」突然畫面又轉到年紀看似老了的 Tony Stark 身處於新的神盾局總部(即是紐約北部的復仇者聯盟基地),穿上一套 S.H.I.E.L.D. 的制服拿着一個橙色公事包。而 Banner 穿着一套緊身制服匆忙的走過來,神情顯得有點害怕。下個鏡頭又變回 Ant-Man 降落在一個荒涼的地方,透過頭盔的反射可以看到所在點是 Vormir。

接着 Rocket 與 Nebula 便出現並在修改一些新武器,Rocket 打趣地說「我們什麼時候可以試試這個新玩意?」然後二人互相微笑碰拳。這裡我們終於首次看到採用全新納米技術盔甲的 Iron Man,Hulk 也從天而降,面前的便是全副武裝的 Thanos 在微笑着。鏡頭一轉過去到日本,War Machine,Natasha 及 Steve Rogers 被一班極道(Yakuza)包圍着,此時已變成 Ronin 的 Hawkeye 從他們身後穿過走到前面,看來是他們終於找到「Hawkeye」。然後畫面處於 Sanctum 聖殿,Wong 透過一種方式與 Doctor Strange 作交流。突然一頭灰髮的 Tony Stark 與 Ant-Man 身處於一個後世界末日的紐約市,畫面開始來回閃爍多個場景。

此時 Captain Marvel 終於出現在預告片中,Thanos 與年輕的 Gamora 在 Soul Stone 中的對峙,然後出現 Loki,Thor 對抗 Chitauri 的畫面,Tony 在 Wakanda 王室房間中給予 Steve 一塊全新的盾牌。接下來 Tony 便打開了那個橙色公事包(應該便是 B.A.R.F),Scott 將一個發光的手鐲遞給他,Tony 問道「怎麼樣?…這可能嗎?」,二人便在量子領域中穿梭,接下來他們便出現在 2012 年的紐約之戰中。而在電影主題出現之前,是受損的無限手套(Infinity Gauntlet)在 Thanos 手上消失了,然後突然站起來穿上他的盔甲,表情從極度激怒變成充滿威脅的微笑。

這個時候電影主題終於揭示,畫面看到的是《Avengers: Annihilation》。

當然背景依然是震撼的 Marvel 音樂,然後畫面再插播一段 Hulk 與 Black Widow 及 Steve Rogers 身處於 S.H.I.E.L.D. 基地在訓練的情景。Steve 問 Hulk 為什麼最近一直在訓練,Hulk 便以 Banner 聲音回應「我感受到我將可以重出江湖了。」預告片便以此作收末。

以上內容官方暫時未有回應,或許只是影迷們憑藉着過去一些理論而分析出來的鋪排。但若然預告片真的如早前所說會十一月推出,以及時間線將相隔五年之久,那麼也只是不足一個月的時間,那內容真偽屆時便一清二楚。至於各位又認為這個預告片情節又覺得如何,是否合乎根據呢?不妨在留言中互相討論,並繼續留意着我們 HYPEBEAST 有關 Marvel 的跟進報導。



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