Christian Bale 證實有跟 Disney 討論參演《Star Wars》的 Han Solo 獨立電影

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Entertainment 娛樂

近日 The Hollywood Reporter 的記者 Borys Kit 透露,Disney 在邀請 Woody Harrelson 加入 Han Solo 獨立電影《Solo: A Star Wars Story》之前,原來曾接觸過 Chistian Bale,這說法更已得到了 Christian Bale 本人親自證實:
Yes, [it was] very tempting. I not only love the films going back to my childhood but also have a very long relationship with Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall because they did Empire of the Sun many years back. There was discussion, [and] I hope there will be future discussions.

Christian Bale 在電台節目 Happy Sad Confused Podcast 上,表示這是十分吸引的邀請,除因為《Star Wars》這作品本身之外,亦因為跟電影監製 Kathleen Kennedy 及其丈夫 Frank Marshall 多年來的關係。他們三人早在 1987 年,已因 Steven Spielberg 的電影《Empire of the Sun》而合作過,當年 Christian Bale 演出這作品時只得 12 歲。另外在節目中,他還談及了 Ben Affleck 所演的 Batman 作品:
I have not [seen Ben Affleck’s Batman]. Yes I’m interested [in seeing it], my son seemed like he was really interested, but then I realized he just wanted to see the trailer and that was it—I tend to go see films that [my kids] want to see. I have to confess I’m not a huge superhero film fan. People seem surprised at that, I don’t know why. I’ve not seen any of the Avengers films or any of those films at all. I hear they’re very good, but I’m quite happy just hearing they’re very good.
Christian Bale 跟 Christopher Nolan 合作的 Batman 電影系列,至今仍為人所津津樂道,甚至被不少觀眾視為最出色的 Batman 電影,經常將 Christian Bale 跟 Ben Affleck 作比較。未知當 Ben Affleck 得知 Christian Bale 表示還未看過他的 Batman 演出後,會否又再展露出以下這個表情…

另外《James Bond》電影製作人 Barbara Broccoli,近日表示下任 007 有可能是女性,有興趣可到這裡了解。



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