一代傳奇 − Playboy 創辦人 Hugh Hefner 享壽 91 歲

知名成人雜誌 Playboy 於官方推特正式發布,創辦人 Hugh Hefner 於今日逝世,享壽 91 歲。根據外媒報導,Hugh Hefner 在 Los Angeles 的個人豪宅中(Playboy Mansion)自然死亡,當時親友都在身旁陪伴。
American Icon and Playboy Founder, Hugh M. Hefner passed away today. He was 91. #RIPHef pic.twitter.com/tCLa2iNXa4
— Playboy (@Playboy) 2017年9月28日
Hugh Hefner 於 1953 年正式創立《Playboy》,隨後便開啟屬於他的帝國事業,一路上捧紅了許多名人,翻轉了傳統紙媒世界,更打造出獨特的「Palyboy」成人異想世界。在 Hugh Hefner 逝世後,兒子 Cooper Hefner 於聲明中道出父親對社會上的貢獻與付出:
My father lived an exceptional and impactful life as a media and cultural pioneer and a leading voice behind some of the most significant social and cultural movements of our time in advocating free speech, civil rights and sexual freedom.
He defined a lifestyle and ethos that lie at the heart of the Playboy brand, one of the most recognizable and enduring in history.He will be greatly missed by many, including his wife Crystal, my sister Christieand my brothers David and Marston, and all of us at Playboy Enterprises.