由 Neil Marshall 執導、David Harbour 主演的新版《Hellboy》電影《Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen》,近日去到英國的 Wells Cathedral 韋爾斯大教堂取景拍攝,不過由於電影故事涉及納粹意識、魔鬼等敏感主題,令不少人對於大教堂官方人員允許電影團隊租借教堂這決定,感到質疑。為此,教堂方面特別作出了一段官方聲明 :
Hellboy originated, in fact, as a superhero in a series of novels created by Mike Mignola. His true nature is one of a hero and he becomes a defender against the forces of darkness.The eternal battle of good over evil which this story examines helps us to encourage an intelligent faith which does not hide from controversy and one that looks for the good inside people no matter their outward appearance.
他們認為《Hellboy》是一個關於超級英雄對抗邪惡的故事,縱然主角的外表是惡魔,但其內心是正義的,不以貌取人也正正是他們宗教的其中一個重要信念。因此,他們願意支持《Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen》的電影拍攝。