三年六千萬美元-Golden State Warriors 獲樂天百貨全力贊助

擁有目前單一最大的 NBA 廣告補丁交易。

Sports 體育

NBA 球衣有深認識的,都知道今年交回 Nike 去製作,早前便已經發佈有關消息,在即將開鑼的 NBA 登場。而其實每一球隊,都能再可以向不同品牌推銷,贊助其球衣上有的空間。而剛剛 Golden State Warriors 便宣布重大事項,指他們已和日本百貨企業樂天公司簽署了球衣贊助合同,並同意以三年六千萬美元,即是每年撥出二千萬美元作贊助,授權在球衣上擁有樂天的標記。而雙方的這個合作關係成為擁有目前單一最大的 NBA 廣告補丁交易。

We saw an opportunity, given the visibility we were receiving,” reads a quote from Warriors chief marketing officer Bowers. “So we felt in order to grow our global vision, we had to be aligned with a global brand.

而這次的贊助交易除了球衣之外,Golden State Warriors 更會為其官方練習場重新命名為 Rakuten 表演中心;另外六個官方團隊建築也將相應更新名稱。當中樂天也將擔任團隊的主要電子商務,影片點播和及市場夥伴。以下則是 Golden State Warriors 總經理 Rick Welts 所分享的消息:

I’m thrilled that our deal did exactly what deals like this were intended to do when the league announced the program. We signed a partner we had never done business with before. We signed a big deal with an international player and, in turn, we’ve boosted the value of the NBA and the Warriors outside of North America.

Overall, Rakuten is projected to bring in about “$32 to $37 million USD in equivalent advertising” as a result of this deal with the Golden State Warriors.



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