神之領域-Michael Jordan 霸氣回應 LaVar Ball 的 1 on 1 單挑聲明
LaVar 和 Lonzo Ball 這兩位父子檔已成為今時 NBA 熱話,雖說 Lonzo Ball 已順利加入了 Los Angeles Lakers 並每場交出不錯的成績,但那邊廂父親 LaVar Ball 一直的言行依舊在塵囂甚上。而他在早前一再重申自己可以在巔峰期擊敗 Michael Jordan,有關的說話亦終於得到 Michael Jordan 本人回應。在舉行籃球訓練營中 Michael Jordan 與 Scottie Pippen 再度同場獻技,過後 Michael Jordan 一如以往讓參加人士向他作提問,被問到對於 LaVar Ball 跨下海口說 1 on 1 會將他擊敗繼而哭泣,Michael Jordan 直接霸氣回應:
“You gotta understand the source,” said Jordan after being asked about the claims during a Q&A session in Santa Barbara, CA.
“He played college, I think, maybe? He averaged 2.2 points a game. Really?”
“It doesn’t really deserve an answer, but I’m gonna give it to you because you asked the question — I don’t think he could beat me if I was one-legged.”
內容便是疑惑到 LaVar Ball 場均 2.2 分的理據,但認為不值得執回應,並順勢說不認為自己即使單腳,LaVar Ball 可以把他贏到。一如所料由 Michael Jordan 這樣回答獲得了歡呼聲及笑聲,然而不知 LaVar Ball 知道後,又會如何回應「籃神」Michael Jordan,或者會如 Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor 般來一場「世紀約打」吧!