突發!Daniel Craig 親口表示將再度出演《007》續集!


Entertainment 娛樂

作為世界上其中一位最有品味的特務,James Bond 是很多演員夢寐以求出演的角色,但顯然觀眾還是很期待 Daniel Craig 的回歸,雖然昨日 Daniel Craig 在擔任 Boston 一個電台節目時親口說出了目前還未決定是否要再度出演 James Bond 一角:

No decision has been made at the moment, there’s a lot of noise out there and nothing official has been confirmed and I’m not, like, holding out for more money or doing anything like that. It’s just all very personal decisions to be made at the moment…I know they’re desperate to get going and I would in theory love to do it, but there is no decision, uh, just yet.

但他在隨後出席 Stephen Colbert 所主持的《The Late Show With Stephen Colbert》中,回應主持人提問會否再次出演 James Bond 時又肯定地回應說:「YES.」,雖然沒有其他的細節,但相信已教一眾《007》迷放下心頭大石了。Daniel Craig,歡迎回歸出演第 25 套《007》電影。



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