法國時裝名所 colette 將於今年年底結業

Karl Lagerfeld 也曾說過 Colette 是他唯一會去的店,因為那裡有其他地方都沒有的東西。

Fashion 時裝

法國潮流時裝名所 colette 剛剛發佈聲明,將結束 20 年的時裝生涯,於 2017 年 12 月 20 日正式結業,而 colette 的鋪位將由 Saint Laurent Paris 接手。完整聲明如下:


As all good things must come to an end, after twenty wonderful years, colette should be closing its doors on December 20th of this year.

Colette Roussaux has reached the time when she would like to take her time; and colette cannot exist without Colette.

Negotiations are under way with Saint Laurent and we would be proud to have a Brand with such a history, with whom we have frequently collaborated, taking over our address. We are happy of the serious interest expressed by Saint Laurent in this project, and it could also represent a very good opportunity for our employees.

Until our last day, nothing will change. colette will continue to renew itself each week with exclusive collaborations and offerings, also available on our website colette.fr
We thank you for your support and see you soon at colette–until December 20th!

colette 於 20 年前由 Colette Roussaux 和她的女兒 Sarah Andelman 共同創立,而 Sarah Andelman 現為品牌創作總監,品牌一直是巴黎最具前瞻性的時裝概念店之一,與 colette 推出過聯乘合作的單位更是多不勝數,剛剛與 H&M Studio、Balenciaga 等品牌之合作活動更是如火如荼進行中,事出突然,究竟倒閉是如聲明所示因為 Colette Rousseaux 準備退休,還是另有內情,敬請密切留意我們的後續報道。



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