精神領袖 - Tim Cook 視 Steve Jobs 為蘋果「憲法」去管理及創作

「Steve’s DNA will always be the base for Apple」

Tech & Gadgets 科技與電子產品

貴為 Apple 首席執行官的 Tim Cook,其在對世界科技及生活的影響力舉足輕重。最近便接受 Bloomberg 商業周刊的邀請訪問這位世界上最有價值公司的負責人,並將於 6 月 19 日推出,有關摘錄刊登在其網頁上,當中重點落在 Tim Cook 被問到對已故 Apple 創辦人 Steve Jobs 的看法,而他亦不保留地向 Bloomberg 解答:

Steve’s DNA will always be the base for Apple. It’s the case now. I want it to be the case in 50 years, whoever’s the CEO. I want it to be the case in 100 years, whoever’s CEO. Because that is what this company is about. His ethos should drive that—the attention to detail, the care, the ­simplicity, the focus on the user and the user experience, the focus on building the best, the focus that good isn’t good enough, that it has to be great, or in his words, “insanely great,” that we should own the proprietary technology that we work with because that’s the only way you can control your future and control your quality and user experience. And you should have the courage to walk away and be honest with yourself when you do something wrong, that you shouldn’t be so married to your position and your pride that you can’t say, “I’m changing directions.” These kind of things, these guardrails, should be the basis for Apple a century from now. It’s like the Constitution, which is the guide for the United States. It should not change. We should revere it.

精神領袖 - Tim Cook 視 Steve Jobs 為蘋果「憲法」去管理及創作

Tim Cook 特別以「Constitution」(憲法)一詞去形容 Steve Jobs 是蘋果的基礎,並指 Apple 即使改變,但仍會依隨着如北極星般的 Steve Jobs 去營運。另外 Tim Cook 亦順勢提及到早前在 WWDC 所發佈的新產物如 HomePod 及未來以 AR 作為核心研發,更特別提及到早前遣返海外現金及在美國創造了 200 萬個工作崗位推動公司的就業增長。而且他再一次說到和美國總統 Donald Trump 對有關巴黎協議的意見不合,指自己是有責任盡所能,大家只是看法不同。最後 Tim Cook 說道 Apple 其實是一間長期投資的公司,他們所造到的都是一些真正改變生活的東西,即使產品不是第一個發明,但它絕對能夠讓人想起,從 Apple 角度來看並不是競爭,從來只是去改善生活。



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