CondésNast 使用 iPhone 7 Plus 拍攝其雜誌封面


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大概要說 iPhone 7 Plus 是目前智能手機其中一款擁有最好相機鏡頭是毋庸置疑,而很多場合如時裝發佈會,或是雜誌封面,都陸續以 iPhone 7 Plus 去取代傳統相機去拍攝,而據 TechCrunch 指出,CondésNast 就轉為以 iPhone 7 Plus 去拍攝了 5 月份的《TRAVELER》及《BonAppétit》封面。根據 BonAppétit 創意總監 Alex Grossman 解釋說在人物和場合上使用 iPhone 會更能捕捉到時間,另外封面的攝影師 Peden + Monk 補充說使用 iPhone 去拍攝讓整個過程更加輕鬆,加上使用 VSCO 去進行拍攝能夠輕鬆地從 iPhone 上編輯照片。

It didn’t feel like a big magazine cover shoot where there were a bunch of assistants and light reflectors,” Peden said. “It felt very comfortable and natural.

而問道 iPhone 是否能替代傳統的 DSLR ,Grossman 認為只能是工具的一部份,並不能夠完全取代。

Moving forward, Grossman said the iPhone can just become another part of Bon Appétit’s toolbox. Sure, it’s not at the point where the photos are completely comparable to “a $25,000 DSLR,” particularly in print — but if you shoot in the right conditions, “99.9 percent of people out there” might not know the difference.

“We always have to be pushing and evolving our aesthetic anyway,” Grossman said. “It doesn’t really matter whether it’s a phone or an illustration or cool type design, we’re always finding new ways, whatever they may be, to push our aesthetic.



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