Under Armour 老闆挺 President Trump-網民發動新一波 #GrabYourWallet 罷買行動

面對網民妙語連珠,Under Armour 只能急發聲明止血…

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在 Lululemon 與 adidas 的優越表現下,Urder Armour 在美國的江湖地位開始動搖,而 CEO 兼創辦人 Kevin Plank 在 CNBC 最近訪問的言論,為品牌帶來新一番「挑戰」。

當問及 Donald Trump 加強基建與興建邊境圍牆的看法時,Kevin Plank 道出惺惺相惜的見解,認為新任總統相當果斷,敢作敢為,相對只會紙上談兵的人,更值得他欣賞。這位 CEO 甚至將代言人 Tom Brady 在剛過去周末 Super Bowl 表現與總統掛勾,認為外界在賽事完結之前,都不會預計 New England Patriots 能在 Tom Brady 主導下打出歷史性的逆天賽果。

“He wants to build things, he wants to make bold decisions and be really decisive, I’m a big fan of people that operate in the world of publish and iterate versus think, think, think, think, think. You know, I think a lot of people bet against Tom Brady the other night, too.”-Kevin Plank, CEO of Under Armour

上月獲美國總統 Donald Trump 白宮接見的 Kevin Plank,會面期間談論美國國內生產可能性,而 Under Armour 超過 60% 產品均在中國、約旦、越南、印尼等地製造,Kevin Palank 亦未有計劃怎樣將生產線全面撤回美國,未知這次訪問言論,與上月會面可有關連。自 CNBC 刊出訪問後,網上立即掀起討論,讚賞之聲不及網民發起罷買行動 #GrabYourWallet 聲勢浩大,甚至 Under Armour 首席代言人 Stephen Curry 也公開發表相反意見。為此 Under Armour 立即發表官方聲明,表明只認同 Donald Trump 政府對經濟發展政策,公司尊重珍惜團結大愛包容精神,未知能否挽回公眾信心。以下是聲明的全文內容。

“At Under Armour, our culture has always been about optimism, teamwork, and unity. We have engaged with both the prior and the current administrations in advocating on business issues that we believe are in the best interests of our consumers, teammates, and shareholders. Kevin Plank was recently invited at the request of the President of the United States, to join the American Manufacturing Council as part of a distinguished group of business leaders. He joined CEOs from companies such as Dow Chemical, Dell, Ford, GE, and Tesla, among others to begin an important dialogue around creating jobs in America. We believe it is important for Under Armour to be a part of that discussion.

“We have always been committed to developing innovative ways to support and invest in American jobs and manufacturing. For years, Under Armour has had a long-term strategy for domestic manufacturing and we recently launched our first women’s collection made in our hometown of Baltimore, MD. We are incredibly proud of this important first step in the evolution of creating more jobs at home.

“We engage in policy, not politics. We believe in advocating for fair trade, an inclusive immigration policy that welcomes the best and the brightest and those seeking opportunity in the great tradition of our country, and tax reform that drives hiring to help create new jobs globally, across America and in Baltimore.

“We have teammates from different religions, races, nationalities, genders, and sexual orientations; different ages, life experiences, and opinions. This is the core of our company. At Under Armour, our diversity is our strength, and we will continue to advocate for policies that Protect Our House, our business, our team, and our community.”



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