《Moonlight》主演出鏡 Calvin Klein 2017 男士內衣「Revelation」宣傳大片

Mahershala Ali, Alex Hibbert, Ashton Sanders 和 Trevante Rhodes 齊上陣!

Fashion 時裝

雖然在昨日舉辦的奧斯卡頒獎典禮上出現巨大「烏龍」,不過《Moonlight》獲選「最佳影片」大獎可謂實至名歸,這部講述黑人同性戀故事的電影同時還拿下了「最佳男配角獎」和「最佳改編劇本獎」,可謂風頭正勁。今季 Raf Simons 和他的 Calvin Klein 便邀請 Mahershala Ali, Alex Hibbert, Ashton Sanders 和 Trevante Rhodes 四位主演擔任模特,同時邀請傳奇攝影師 Willy Vanderperre 掌鏡,為品牌男士內衣系列拍攝最新「Revelation」宣傳大片。此外四位黑人演員還談到了他們對於影片、時尚品味和 Raf Simons 的看法,感興趣的朋友不妨前往 Calvin Klein 官方網站瞭解更多。

Mahershala Ali on the cast:
You get older and you think you have some things figured out, but [these younger guys] reminded me of the power of exploring. They reminded me that it’s okay to not know everything about life.

Alex Hibbert on his love of clothes:
Well, it’s just like the attitude, the personality. Like, it can be like me — dark inside and bright outside.

Ashton Sanders on Raf Simons:
I just met Raf and I almost fainted, man, really. I’ve been a fan of his since I was in the 10th grade. He just looked me up and down, and then he nodded, like, ‘I like your look.’ I almost passed out.

Trevante Rhodes on his newfound stardom:
Everyone I talk to is like, ‘I can’t give you any advice. I’ve never seen anything like this.



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「我已跟 Calvin Klein 合作近十年,但每次拍攝形象廣告時,我仍然感到十分興奮及期待。」

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