富不過二代?11 位富豪將捐出絕大部分遺產

很多人的疑問「為何我父親不是李嘉誠」,但成為富二代又是否真的代表能繼承上一代的龐大資產?11 位世界有名的超級巨富如微軟創辦人 Bill Gates、Facebook 創辦人 Mark Zuckerberg、著名投資者 Warren Buffett、著名導演 George Lucas 等承諾將在過身後捐出大部分遺產作慈善用途,只會留下「很少」給下一代。不過巨富如 Warren Buffett 般現擁有約 650 億美元資產,他承諾將會在過身後捐出 99% 遺產到慈善組織,換言之,假設下一代將來能完全繼承那剩餘的 1% 資產,仍擁有 6.5 億美元,已經足夠豪花幾世了…不過他們這種決定仍非常值得尊敬!要看看這 11 位富豪分別是誰,可參考來自 GOBankingRates 的原文章。
Warren Buffett has amassed a fortune of $65 billion, but only a small portion of that money will go to his three children. In fact, the business investor has pledged to give away 99 percent of his wealth over his lifetime. He created the Giving Pledge to convince more of the world’s top earners to leave their fortunes to nonprofits, and has already donated billions to charity.