NSFW-Mario Sorrenti 掌鏡拍攝 Bella Hadid《V Magazine》性感特輯
Hadid 姐妹成為時尚圈的新 Muse。

繼早前性感演繹《LOVE Magazine》Issue 17「情人節」內衣特輯之後,人氣模特 Bella Hadid 此番又同時尚攝影大師 Mario Sorrenti 合作,為《V Magazine》炮製了一組黑白復古風格的造型特輯,除了性感內衣秀之外,Bella 更全裸入鏡大秀美好身段。對於這次合作 Mario 表示:
Every time we shoot or every time we see her we always see her being very glamorous. The photographs always focus on the fashion and less on the girl, and I think she’s such a beautiful, sweet girl. I really felt like taking some pictures of her that kind of reveal a more sensitive and natural side of her.
欣賞以上性感圖集的同時,不妨前往《LOVE Magazine》官方網站閱讀完整訪談。