《Suicide Squad》美國開畫劣評如潮


Entertainment 娛樂

萬眾期待的超級英雄電影《Suicide Squad》於今週美國地區率先上映,在鋪天蓋地的宣傳下,DC 無疑使盡渾身解數收復《Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice》失地。可惜的是《Suicide Squad》似乎重蹈覆轍,開映之後馬上引來一眾劣評,上至《TIME》下至《Entertainment Weekly》都一致表示失望,《TIME》甚至寫到「Suicide Squad Is Dead on Arrival」來形容這片,更勸告各位粉絲在看過 Harley Quinn 出場後,便可以離場;而《Entertainment Weekly》表示劇本大大浪費了 Jared Leto 新小丑的演出;而《Vanity Fair》更用上「ugly and boring」來批評戲中過分的暴力及色情場面;總括而言,坊間評論認為故事無法深刻描述 Suicide Squad 眾多重要角色,顧此失彼,而且過份賣弄風格。各位準備入場的粉絲可能先行調節自己的期望,好好享受 DC 的超級英雄世界吧。

《TIME》:Harley Quinn’s entrance is the best moment in Suicide Squad. After that, you can leave.

《Chicago Tribune》:But folks, this is a lousy script, blobby like the endlessly beheaded minions of the squad’s chief adversary. It’s not satisfying storytelling; the flashbacks roll in and out, explaining either too much or too little, and the action may be violent but it’s not interesting. At this point in 2016 America, if there’s one thing I could vote out of all movies, permanently, it’s the drooling slow-motion close-up of hundreds of assault weapon bullets bouncing off gorgeously lit pavement.

《USA Today》:Like The Dirty Dozen for the Hot Topic generation, the team gets in-your-face introductions and things just grow more mental from there. But compared to its ilk, Suicide Squad is an excellently quirky, proudly raised middle finger to the staid superhero-movie establishment.



Entertainment 娛樂


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