1992 年信件首曝光 Kurt Cobain 說「F*ck NIRVANA」

一封兩頁紙、由傳奇樂團 NIRVANA 主音 Kurt Cobain 於 1992 年親手寫給當時樂隊的唱片廠牌 DGC 的創辦人 David Geffen,投訴 Vanity Fair 刊出了一則報道,講述他的妻子 Courtney Love 在懷有他們的女兒 Frances Bean 時服用海洛英(Heroin),Kurt Cobain 憤怒地在信中責罵該報道的負責人,指樂隊一直以 Clean 的形象示人,但因為報道令他為了要保護妻子和女兒,威脅要解散樂隊,又說「F*ck NIRVANA」,當時,樂隊才推出了經典專輯《Nevermind》一年多。信件在一個月前曝光,現在會於 5 月 21 日由 Julien’s Auctions 拍賣,地點是紐約市的 Hard Rock Cafe,起標價為 10,000 美元,相信最後能以超過 30,000 美元投得。此次拍賣亦有很多其他珍貴物品,如 David Bowie 向 Fans 寫的回信、Lady Gaga 第一部鋼琴、Ringo Starr 的鼓套裝和 Elvis Presley 的結他等。大家可以到 Julien’s Auctions 網頁觀看物件。大家也不妨看看 Kurt Cobain 在信中的內容:
“Dear David Geffen,
Hi my name is Kurt Cobain, Im the lead singer, guitar, and songwriter for the band NIRVANA. Supposedly, I’ve made your company a lot of money. Oh well, it never was a goal of mine to be part of the mainstream corporate world, but once I entered it I realized that there are other employees especially at DGC who are as honest and sincere about music and have basically the same values as I have. I’ve never met you I guess because Ive never wanted to. Kind of a big boss phobia of mine but something so severely defremating [sic] towards my family has come up in an article in Vanity Fair that has forced me to decide on breaking up my band. The article suggests that Courtney and I have been taking heroin continuously throughout her pregnancy which is not true. Courtney found out she was pregnant within the first month of our drug binge. She stopped using and has since been visiting Danny Goldberg’s pediatrician on a regular basis. The doctors prognosis is that our child is in excellent health and theres no need to worry about anything. But this article has outright accused my wife of all kinds of hideously vile things to the point where Ive never seen such a crucifixion in a magazine. The woman’s entire objective was to harm Courtney and now after you read the article (I hope) something may be done about it. You may not even be aware that Courtney’s band Hole is also on DGC. They are a very important band to be heard especially my wife’s openness and embrace of women’s rights and homosexuality. This person who wrote the article Lynn Hirschberg must have her karma broken. Some way. Its either her or me. I love my wife and soon to be new daughter too much to let everyones low opinions of us ruin our lives together. I am now in rehab going on 18 days and Im really looking forward to having a family at this point fuck NIRVANA. Ive never admitted to using drugs in articles because I don’t want my fans to do the same. We are capable of displaying a healthy attitude before our audience and the next record is easily as good as the last one, but Im so extremely pissed off about this piece of trash journalism that I’ll lay anything on the line for the love of my wife and daughter.
Sincerely Kurt Cobain.”