Nike 發佈 Free Trainer 3.0 V4 訓練鞋
繼今年 1 月發布的 Free Trainer 3.0 V3 之後,Nike 此番又推出改良過後的 Free Trainer 3.0 V4 最新訓練鞋,並由當家球星 Cristiano
繼今年 1 月發布的 Free Trainer 3.0 V3 之後,Nike 此番又推出改良過後的 Free Trainer 3.0 V4 最新訓練鞋,並由當家球星 Cristiano Ronaldo 擔任模特,搶先體驗了這款鞋的絕佳訓練腳感。新鞋在設計上采用了 Flywire 飛線科技結合無縫覆面,提供強力支撐的同時緊鎖雙足,不僅經久耐穿也能呈現利落外觀。至于鞋底部分則在 Free 3.0 的基礎上,采用了六邊形彎曲凹槽,搭配輕薄靈巧的 Phylite 中底呈現,締造自然、靈活的穿著體驗和卓越的輕盈緩震效果。對于這款新鞋,品牌運動訓練鞋産品線經理 Tim Day 表示:
The circular knit material in the upper creates a one-to-one fit against the foot. This prevents slippage when an athlete is changing direction. When the foot is securely locked down, athletes can transition much faster while cutting and breaking… We designed this for athletes who want to be fast in all directions. It’s incredibly lightweight and low to the ground, making it extremely stable and responsive. Being lower to the ground also allows for quicker bursts and more explosive movements.
據悉這款 Free Trainer 3.0 V4 將于近期登陸 和全球指定零售商,定價為 ¥899 人民幣。