專訪 Sean Combs - 談論最新香水「3 AM」與宣傳影片的拍攝

2006 年,Sean “P. Diddy” Combs 發佈他的第一款香水「Unforgivable」,首年就在全球斬獲一億美元的收入,並且榮獲當年 FiFi 獎年度奢華男士香水的美譽。Combs

Fashion 時裝

2006 年,Sean “P. Diddy” Combs 發佈他的第一款香水「Unforgivable」,首年就在全球斬獲一億美元的收入,並且榮獲當年 FiFi 獎年度奢華男士香水的美譽。Combs 於 2009 年憑藉「I Am King」再度榮膺這一殊榮。而此次這位音樂界大佬六年磨一劍,於近日發佈新品「3 AM」,儘管名人香水市場已經大不同從前,這款橘子氣味香水仍然由 Combs 親自上陣,與他一直偏愛有佳的 Cassie 共同拍攝令人心神顛倒的宣傳影片。

以下是 的獨家訪談片段。

How did you develop the concept for the video?

The concept for the video represents one of the things that 3 a.m. is for me. It’s a very one-on-one time. It’s a time to have fun and push the envelope a little bit. It’s definitely an hour where you would find yourself with a young lady. Anything can happen at 3 a.m., and in the video, you see a fantasy that’s in my head of what happened that night.

What vibe are you hoping to evoke with this fragrance?

First of all, I want [people] to like the design of the bottle, but just like with any fragrance, I want somebody to stop you in the elevator and ask you what you’re wearing. No matter what the fragrance is called, that’s my objective. And I want a lot of people to get laid to it!

When you’re creating a new fragrance, do you have certain notes in mind or do you bring other elements to the perfumers for inspiration?

I usually have a name first, then I go to the scent and the design of the bottle. I work directly with my partners and they give me almost all the creative freedom. Scent-wise, I usually say the same thing: I want to smell clean; I want it to smell good. I don’t like woody, musky smells. I use bergamot in almost every fragrance—things that relate to freshness but also give you an erotic type of smell.



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