Kanye West 曾拒絕 Nike 每年四百萬美元的合同出價

眾所週知,Kanye West 離開 Nike 的原因是他沒有被給予足夠的「氧氣」去完成創作設計,然而就在今日釋出的 Dr.West 芝加哥藝術學院演講內容中,我們得知 Yeezy

Fashion 時裝

眾所週知,Kanye West 離開 Nike 的原因是他沒有被給予足夠的「氧氣」去完成創作設計,然而就在今日釋出的 Dr.West 芝加哥藝術學院演講內容中,我們得知 Yeezy 還首次揭密了導致雙方分手的薪酬問題。Nike 曾因 Kanye 不是職業運動員而拒絕支付其所提出的總收益 1% 的薪酬報價,每年 4 百萬美元的合同是 Nike 的最高出價。此外,心情大好的 Dr.West 還正確預知到 HYPEBEAST 會將這一「焦點內容」發布。感興趣的朋友可以閱讀以下原文。

I remember at that time, I was going through leaving Nike and going to adidas, and I was also dealing with trying to get a deal with a luxury house. Because I wanted to paint, but I wanted to paint with usable art. Sculptures equals clothing. Clothing is a form of usable art. And I would look at that lamp that was made of rocks and cement, but the shape was so beautiful, and it wasn’t even made of marble.

So when it was time to do the adidas collection, and I left Nike because they refused to give me a percentage because I was not an athlete—I don’t have a NDA that says I can’t say this even though it seems wrong to say out loud—I left Nike because they refused to give me a percentage, they also offered me $4 million a year to stay, which is an unknown thing but I’m sure it’ll show up on HYPEBEAST tomorrow.


I wanted people to know that.

[More Laughter]

And I still left them, because they weren’t giving me the opportunity to grow. They were working off an old business model, and Phil Knight was somewhere on an island. And then, Mark Parker would go and find people who I collaborated with years before, and try to do collaborations with them to seem cool, and as you see, Nike hasn’t done like, one cool thing this year.




Palace Skateboards x adidas Originals 2015 春夏聯名 Pro Primeknit Sneaker 系列
Footwear 球鞋

Palace Skateboards x adidas Originals 2015 春夏聯名 Pro Primeknit Sneaker 系列

除了服飾系列外,Palace Skateboards 與 adidas Originals 今季的聯名企劃中還包括兩雙全新的 Pro Primeknit Sneaker

Fashion 時裝


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Jordan Eclipse「Hare」全新配色設計

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Club Monaco 2015 秋冬「Dreaming of Iceland」主題系列
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Club Monaco 2015 秋冬「Dreaming of Iceland」主題系列

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Y-3 2015 秋冬 Vern EQT 鞋款
Footwear 球鞋

Y-3 2015 秋冬 Vern EQT 鞋款

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Converse 2015 夏季 Chuck Taylor All Star「Midnight Hour」別注系列

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FEIT 2015 夏季手工皮革涼鞋系列

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adidas Originals ZX Flux 全新配色設計
Footwear 球鞋

adidas Originals ZX Flux 全新配色設計

除了早前介紹的 Core Black/Footwear White 配色,adidas Originals 還爲人氣跑鞋 ZX Flux 釋出另一雙 Dark Marine/Footwear

Y-3 2015 秋冬鞋履系列
Footwear 球鞋

Y-3 2015 秋冬鞋履系列

adidas 旗下高端支線 Y-3 可謂是當下最具人氣的運動時尚品牌之一,在設計大師山本耀司的引導下,更創造出獨一無二的運動時尚美學。在全新發布的 2015 秋冬系列中,設計師選擇以紅色爲主調,除了

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