劉勃麟「光和眼睛的距离」個人展覽 @ Magda Danysz Gallery
著名畫廊 Magda Danysz Gallery
著名畫廊 Magda Danysz Gallery 在上海的將在這週末迎來有「隱形人」之稱的中國藝術家劉勃麟,他將在畫廊中舉辦第三個個展「光和眼睛的距离」,其中除了由全新一系列圖片展示藝術家將自己畫滿並且偽裝融入周圍環境的作品。除了照片以外,刘勃麟還駭客到幾個教課機構網站並且把自己的作品隱藏其中。劉勃麟說道:
In my latest solo show I explore what, in an era of intense virtualization, remains real. Is what we see really what we get? With this new step I am no longer the “Invisible Man,” I am more an art whistleblower trying to raise the awareness of people about the power of images… It is the beginning of a new world… There is always a deeper meaning to an image, it questions the human soul and spirit. In this new series I challenge the power of the images changing the original ones. It is an attempt to start a war against the images.
「光和眼睛的距离」展覽從 5 月 23 日開始展至 6 月 20 日。
Magda Danysz Gallery
188 Linqing Road