Riccardo Tisci 談論 Givenchy 模特挑選及個人設計生涯

在最近與 Style.com 的訪談中,Givenchy 創意總監 Riccardo Tisci 談論了模特在他創作過程中扮演的角色,強調模特們不僅僅提供魅力更激發靈感。此外,Tisci

Fashion 時裝

在最近與 Style.com 的訪談中,Givenchy 創意總監 Riccardo Tisci 談論了模特在他創作過程中扮演的角色,強調模特們不僅僅提供魅力更激發靈感。此外,Tisci 還提及了一些給他留下深刻印象的模特的名字,從 Joan Smalls、Lara Stone 到 Rob Evans、Simon Nessman,Tisci 在為無數「邻家女孩」鋪就職業道路。究其原因,他溫和地指出,正如創始人 Hubert de Givenchy 所做的那樣,他將注意力傾注在發掘模特們的力量、個性以及不可估量的內涵之上,並在個性十足的秀場編排中得到體現。閱讀節選并到 Style.com 查看完整訪談。

As a designer, what do you feel the role of a model is?
For some designers, a model is just about someone wearing clothes and a beautiful presentation. For me, models are so much more. Since I was a kid, I’ve been obsessed. I come from Italy, and Italy [was] where it really started, the top-model story. When I was a kid, Gianni Versace created the moment of the top models with Helena Christensen, Linda [Evangelista]…so it was a little bit in my blood.
For me, models mean a lot because they’re not just presenting my collection; they’re really giving it life. I’m deeply bound to that idea. I’ve always been doing casting and I’m constantly looking for new girls. It is not that I want to find a girl, then have her become the girl of the season and drop her. I’m building relationships for years and years. I have my family and gang, which we carry on season after season.
Givenchy’s casts are always incredibly diverse—is that a deliberate move or something that simply happens organically?
I think we’re all the same, and beauty is something that doesn’t have culture, religion, or color. I opened my second couture show with nine black girls; some of them I’d discovered, some of them were established like Naomi [Campbell] or Liya Kebede. I did it in a very naive way and, in retrospect, a very honest way. I remember all the magazines talking about the casting, and that surprised me. People make such a big deal about using black girls in your casts, but it shouldn’t be a big deal—it should be normal. Your cast should have everything that is related to your world and your aesthetic. It doesn’t matter what their race is, what their gender or sexuality is, you should represent beauty—beauty is beauty.



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