Update: Nike 官方暗示 Air Mag 今日發售?
Self-Lacing 版 Air Mag 已在紐約就位,發售進入最後倒計時!

在「回到未來日」之際,Nike 官方發布 Twitter、並 @ Michael J.Fox ,暗示今日將有「重大事件發生」。Nike PR 總監 Heidi Burgett 隨即轉發並明確提及自動繫鞋帶鞋款的神秘面紗即將揭開。兩條 Twitter 可謂吊足了所有 sneakerheads 的胃口,讓人不禁疑問這是否為 Power-Lacing 版 Air Mag 發售在即的確認信息。如果說鞋款以四年之前的 eBay 拍賣形式發售,無疑讓人大失所望。此外,相比較沒有自動鞋帶科技的 Air Mag,2015 版的市場價值可想而知將會讓世界瞠目結舌。請大家務必關注 HYPEBEAST 今日對 Air Mag 2015 發售信息的後續報導。
.@realmikefox see you tomorrow.
— Nike (@Nike) October 21, 2015
We’ll find out tomorrow if self-lacing shoes will be part of the future. https://t.co/X1NxgqRmAR — Heidi Burgett (@heidiburgett) October 21, 2015
Update: 包括《Complex》資深編輯 Russ Bengtson 在內的多方可靠消息確認,Self-Lacing (自動繫鞋帶) 版 Air Mag 已在紐約就位,發售進入最後倒計時!
I have just received confirmation from a well-placed source that the first pair of Nike MAGs are in NYC. — RUSS BENGT$ON (@russbengtson) October 21, 2015
Hey Sneaker fans, I can report the first self-lacing Nike Mag shoes are in NYC #nike #MAGS https://t.co/NqNFgswM0W
— Sara Eisen (@SaraEisen) October 21, 2015
This is major: A source at Nike confirms to me the first pair of self-lacing Nike Mag shoes are in NYC. $nke #backtothefuture #mag — Sara Eisen (@SaraEisen) October 21, 2015