《i-D》專訪 Maison Kitsuné 兩位主理人談及音樂以及時尚

時尚雜誌《i-D》最近對法國時尚品牌 Maison Kitsuné 的兩位主理人 Gildas Loaëc 和 Masaya Kuroki

Fashion 時裝

時尚雜誌《i-D》最近對法國時尚品牌 Maison Kitsuné 的兩位主理人 Gildas Loaëc 和 Masaya Kuroki 進行了一次採訪。兩位主理人除了打理自己的時裝生意以外,更開創了自家的音樂廠牌,此外還進軍休閒飲食行業,於日本和巴黎開設了咖啡廳 Cafe Kitsuné。至於服飾設計方面,分別融合了 Kuroki 的日本風格和 Loaëc 對法國的時裝觸覺,為品牌營造出獨特的韻味。有關於音樂以及時尚方面的內容現可通過以下的內容或前往 i-D 進行了解。

Kitsuné is a Franco-Japanese union. How is this reflected in your clothing?
Kitsuné means ‘fox’ in Japanese. It is seen as a magical animal that can have a multitude of lives and appearances. The same applies to us, we have different facets. Japan is our second home as Masaya still lives in Tokyo. It is also our leading market in terms of sales. I live in Paris, and it keeps me on my toes since it is highly competitive in terms of fashion. For the spring/summer Maison Kitsuné collection, we drew inspiration from our Parisian roots, we wanted to pay homage to this idea of French elegance, often described as “effortless’: simple, chic, envied worldwide. Season after season, we use the same streamlined silhouettes, an attention to details and finishing as well as denim made in Japan.

You often collaborate with young designers and brands, friends – is there a Kitsuné gang?
Indeed, we have collaborated with Petit Bateau, Oliver Peoples, Aigle, Olympia le Tan, as well as Japanese labels Ambush and Loopwheeler. More recently still, we’ve collaborated with Danish designer Peter Jensen, and often work with Michel Vivien.

These collaborations allow us to strengthen our French visibility as well as push further an international one. We like being able to work with ancient craftsmanship one season and fresh talent the following; it is always a union between two very different houses, clients – and that’s what one needs to evolve. In April we’re even launching a chocolate box designed by chocolatier Pierre Marcolini and a capsule collection inspired by baseball for Reebok!



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