二手男裝交易平台 Grailed.com

對於喜愛線上淘貨的朋友來說,論壇以及拍賣網站早已成了他們日常生活的必經之地。但隨著消費者對生活要求的日益提升,普通的渠道亦再也難以滿足。近日 Arun Gupta 就正式啟動 Grailed.com

Fashion 時裝

對於喜愛線上淘貨的朋友來說,論壇以及拍賣網站早已成了他們日常生活的必經之地。但隨著消費者對生活要求的日益提升,普通的渠道亦再也難以滿足。近日 Arun Gupta 就正式啟動 Grailed.com 的網站,以致力挖掘更多市面上罕見的優質產品作宗旨,為品味人士提供了一個全新的二手貨物交互平台。在與 Complex 的談話中,Arun 向我們說明了製作該網站的動機來源于其志在市場中尋求新的類型突破。詳情請見以下訪談收錄的全部內容。

Can you describe the typical Grailed shopper?
There are a few separate contingents, I’d say. You have like the contemporary streetwear guys, where it’s like Norse Projects or Our Legacy. Then you have the more hypebeast-type people who wear Supreme—you can see there’s like a large contingent of Supreme people on the site. There are some people into tailoring, but that’s a smaller amount.

What are some of the most popular brands you see on the site?
It’s pretty diverse I would say. It’s well representative of what’s popular in general. So there’s a lot of Band of Outsiders, a lot of Our Legacy, Norse Projects, a lot of A.P.C raw denim—like a crazy amount—every day there are multiple new pairs of A.P.C. jeans. 3sixteen denim is pretty strong. And a lot of J.Crew.

About how much money has moved on the site so far?
We currently have sellers who have personally moved $10,000-$20,000 on the site. The average sale price is around $120.

Do you remember the most expensive item that’s been sold on the site?
Oh yeah. I think it was a Carol Christian Poell jacket, that brand’s so expensive. Maybe a fencing jacket. We actually sell [Rick Owens] Geobaskets for like $700 constantly. But yeah, the most expensive thing was Carol Christian Poell Scar Stitched Leather Jacket that cost $2,500.



New Balance for J.Crew 2015 春夏 996 聯名系列
Footwear 球鞋

New Balance for J.Crew 2015 春夏 996 聯名系列

一直保持良好合作關系的 New Balance 與 J.Crew 今季再度攜手,共同爲 2015 春夏打造了四款 996 聯名配色。設計師依舊是以簡約低調的設計風格出發,通過上乘麂皮結合透氣網料構成

NID de GUÊPES / N.D.G. STUDIO「Entering the Nest」預告短片
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NID de GUÊPES / N.D.G. STUDIO「Entering the Nest」預告短片

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Victor Ving 橫跨美國塗鴉藝術企劃「Greetings From」
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Victor Ving 橫跨美國塗鴉藝術企劃「Greetings From」

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Christopher Kane 2015  秋冬系列造型搭配 Lookbook
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Christopher Kane 2015 秋冬系列造型搭配 Lookbook

英國人氣時裝設計師 Christopher Kane 日前在 London Collections: Men 男裝周上正式發布了 2015 秋冬系列。從首波造型搭配 Lookbook

Public School 榮獲首屆男裝國際羊毛標志大獎
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Public School 榮獲首屆男裝國際羊毛標志大獎

由美利奴羊毛制造商 WOOLMARK 所創立的國際羊毛標志大獎 (International Woolmark Prize

Streetsnaps: Kyle Ng
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Givenchy 2015 早秋系列造型搭配 Lookbook
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Givenchy 2015 早秋系列造型搭配 Lookbook

由創意總監 Riccardo Tisci 所主導的法國老牌時裝屋 Givenchy,近日搶先發表了 2015 早秋系列造型搭配

PUMA Select 2015 春夏「Tennis」系列
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PUMA Select 2015 春夏「Tennis」系列

運動品牌 PUMA 日前正式公布了 2015 春夏系列。新系列取名爲「Tennis」,顧名思義主要是以風靡全球的網球運動爲靈感發想,並圍繞著網球傳奇名將 Boris Becker 的簽名鞋

Nike Blazer Mid Metric QS 鞋款
Footwear 球鞋

Nike Blazer Mid Metric QS 鞋款

繼早前的 Metric Roshe Run 推出後,Nike 近日又將這一馬賽克鱗片元素鋪滿了中筒 Blazer 的鞋身。除了秉承上一版本的全黑配色,新款 Blazer

#OnFeet - Agenda Long Beach 2015 街拍球鞋特輯
Footwear 球鞋

#OnFeet - Agenda Long Beach 2015 街拍球鞋特輯

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