藝術家 Ryder Ripps 以 Adrianne Ho 爲缪斯創作系列油畫
混血模特 Adrianne Ho 憑借著獨一無二的運動特質而爆紅網絡,她也時常會在自己的 Instagram 上分享自己的健身照片,成爲很多街頭愛好者心目中的「女神」。最近一名來自紐約的街頭藝術家

混血模特 Adrianne Ho 憑借著獨一無二的運動特質而爆紅網絡,她也時常會在自己的 Instagram 上分享自己的健身照片,成爲很多街頭愛好者心目中的「女神」。最近一名來自紐約的街頭藝術家 Ryder Ripps 便以 Adrianne Ho 爲靈感缪斯,利用畫筆重新創作了她的 Instagram 照片,並且加入了很多類似「水面倒影」的扭曲繪畫效果,讓這些照片更加具有前衛的藝術效果。除此之外,藝術家還在翠貝卡的 Postmasters Gallery 舉辦了一場名爲「Ho」的最新個展,將這些作品展示給更多喜歡街頭藝術的人。下面便帶來《VICE》對于 Ryder Ripps 的節選采訪內容,完整版本不妨點擊這裏閱讀,身在紐約的朋友也可以親自前往 Postmasters 一探究竟。
So Adrienne Ho, she triggered this idea for you?
Yes, she’s like the quintessence of corny-core. There are lots of other examples of people who represent this idea, but nothing as consistent as Adrienne Ho. She’s a very succinct and focused example of this one particular mode of creation of self-representation online.Also, I like her connections to streetwear, and I like the idea that she’s mediating herself and her identity, who she really is—Adrienne Ho, that’s her name, it’s not fake—and is willing to bend herself around brands. What’s interesting to me about that is the aspect of how we can alter or create realism for other people—curate personas.
If you asked me to sponsor your brand and be real, it would be really interesting to see how I’d do that. My own idea of who I am and how to achieve realness as a paid gig is the most honest thing, because the actual branded thing would ultimately be a lie, an imagination. It’s a constructed farce of reality. And it’s also a projected farce because it’s how you perceive a client would want you to be. It’s your imagined self for another person. It’s when you put your own head in someone else’s head and then think about yourself.