A.P.C. 創始人 Jean Touitou 針對種族相關言論發表道歉聲明

自從宣布將品牌最新系列命名爲「Last Ni**as in Paris」之後,法國時尚品牌 A.P.C. 創始人 Jean Touitou 便引起了不少爭議,並直接導致合作夥伴 Timberland

Fashion 時裝

自從宣布將品牌最新系列命名爲「Last Ni**as in Paris」之後,法國時尚品牌 A.P.C. 創始人 Jean Touitou 便引起了不少爭議,並直接導致合作夥伴 Timberland 宣布與之解除合作關系,連早前曝光的 2015 秋冬合作系列也宣布取消發售。其官方申明表示:

Yesterday we became aware of the offensive remarks made by Jean Touitou during his A.P.C. Fall Menswear show in Paris. We have chosen to immediately terminate our involvement with the A.P.C. brand, including the footwear collaboration we had planned for this fall.

Simply stated, this kind of language and approach is in complete contrast with our values. Timberland seeks to collaborate with designers and brands who are at the forefront of lifestyle trends; equally important, they must also share our values. We will not tolerate offensive language or racial slurs of any kind being associated with the Timberland brand.

隨著事態的發展,Jean Touitou 終于意識到問題嚴重性,並立即通過《GQ》對自己的言論發表了以下道歉聲明:

When describing our brand’s latest collaboration, I spoke recklessly using terms that were both ignorant and offensive. I apologize and am deeply regretful for my poor choice of words, which are in no way a reflection of my personal views.



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