Nike LeBron 12 配色細節影片

經過一系列宣傳和曝光之後,運動品牌 Nike 今天正式發布了萬衆期待的 LeBron 12 籃球鞋。作爲 LeBron James 的第 12 代簽名戰靴,LeBron 12

Fashion 時裝

經過一系列宣傳和曝光之後,運動品牌 Nike 今天正式發布了萬衆期待的 LeBron 12 籃球鞋。作爲 LeBron James 的第 12 代簽名戰靴,LeBron 12 再次搭載了品牌旗下的最新科技,比如 Hexagonal Zoom Air 緩震系統,Megafuse 網眼鞋面,Dynamic Flywire 動態飛線以及Hyperposite 側翼等等,標榜了 LeBron 系列旗艦鞋型的獨特地位。首波 LeBron 12 將會有 7 款配色推出,設計上主要從 7 種不同的元素汲取靈感,包括以 Nike Sport Research Lab 實驗室爲靈感的 NSRL;以心髒爲靈感的 Heart of a Lion;以軍用直升機爲靈感的 Dunk Force;以蜂鳥爲靈感的 Instinct;以足部爲靈感的 Six Meridians;以數據爲靈感的 Data;以及以 LeBron 爲靈感的 Trillion Dollar Man。完整內容不妨查看以上短片,感興趣的也可以查閱下面的靈感來源和發售信息。

LEBRON 12 NSRL – James wasn’t made in a lab, but he is made better by Nike’s research, testing and analysis. The LEBRON 12 lead colorway reflects the process of turning data into design to create superior performance footwear. Launch: Oct. 1 in China; Oct. 11 globally.

LEBRON 12 Heart of a Lion – James has demonstrated the courageous heart of a lion while being tested both physically and mentally over his 11-year professional career. Launch: Oct. 30.

LEBRON 12 Dunk Force – Inspired by the power of James’s statement tomahawk dunk and equated to the speed and force of a helicopter rotor blade. Launch: Nov. 11.

LEBRON 12 Instinct – James’s keen 20/20 eyesight combined with his uncommon speed and agility translates to pinpoint, instinctual decisions, much like the way a hummingbird sees and navigates. Launch: Nov. 22.

LEBRON 12 Six Meridians – A key component of James’s training recovery and preparation is massage therapy. The ancient Chinese practice of reflexology releases energy to different points of the body, or meridians, when massaging pressure points in the feet and hands. Launch: Nov. 29.

LEBRON 12 Trillion Dollar Man – Are we looking at the athlete of the future today in LeBron James? Inspired by James’s legendary work ethic and physical gifts combined with Nike’s finest performance technology. Launch: Dec. 1.

LEBRON 12 Data – James is arguably the most dominant player in the game today, with the statistics to support that claim. Launch: Dec. 20.



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