Norton x Clarks 2014 秋冬聯名系列

傳奇機車品牌 Norton 日前與同樣來自英國的經典品牌 Clarks

Fashion 時裝

傳奇機車品牌 Norton 日前與同樣來自英國的經典品牌 Clarks 攜手,爲今年秋冬打造了一系列聯名鞋款。雙方此次合作主要將前者傳統的機車精髓,與後者豐富的制鞋經驗相結合,爲機車愛好者們打造了三款靴子,設計上均采用了上乘黑色皮革制作而成,輔以精致的搭扣和綁帶設計,以及後跟的反光標簽增加質感,最後搭載結實耐磨的鞋底呈現。該系列將于近期登陸 Clarks 指定零售商,此外,Norton 的 CEO Stuart Garner 日前也接受采訪,談及了這次合作背後的故事,感興趣的朋友不妨閱讀以下節選內容。

Why were you keen to work with Clarks?
Because it’s a British heritage brand, privately owned, and with a global footprint.

Was it important for you to collaborate with a British brand?
Because we value British heritage, British manufacturing & craftsmanship is revered around the world and working with Clarks reinforces this shared British brand value.

What was the inspiration behind the range?
Traditional and authentic motorcycle footwear manufactured with quality components using historic and modern design styling to produce a truly original and authentic range of footwear.

Are you happy with the finished products?
Both myself and many within the Norton team choose to wear the boots.

Who do you think will be buying the Clarks X Norton range?
All men whether motorcyclists or not. The integrity and traditional design values will appeal to all customers looking for quality footwear with a tough and classic design look.



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