Matthew Williams 執導 Dreamshow 新單曲《Chasing Control》MV
由主唱 Constantine V,鼓手 Jahphet Landis,吉他手 Mason Orfalea以及貝斯手 Michael Amacio 所新成立的獨立樂隊 Dreamshow
由主唱 Constantine V,鼓手 Jahphet Landis,吉他手 Mason Orfalea以及貝斯手 Michael Amacio 所新成立的獨立樂隊 Dreamshow 最近公佈了最新單曲《Chasing Control》。在此番新的創作中,風格上除了融合了朋克風格以及自賞派的感覺之外,Constantine V 更希望表達出對一女子心亂如麻,無法自拔的愛意。同時 Dreamshow 更邀請到藝術總監 Matthew Williams 親自執導 MV,以復古黑白的氛圍風格來引起大家對主題的共鳴。而獨立文化網站 NOWNESS 也對 Williams 進行了一次有關該次與 Dreamshow 合作的有關訪問對話,想查看完整內容的朋友現可前往 NOWNESS。
What drew you to work with Constantine V and Dreamshow?
Matthew Williams: I worked with Constantine because I’m his friend and we have a really great, honest discourse and trust. One of the successes of Gaga and Kanye was that we had a personal and direct relationship. Kanye hired me to develop his first clothing brand with him when I was 21 and then for three years I created Gaga’s image with her. We were able to communicate freely and that informs my decision making.What was your approach for the “Chasing Control” video?
MW: I’ve always been a rock fan yet I’ve never done a video for an artist like that. It’s an introduction of Constantine to the world, but something minimal. There was a TV show filming next door and we basically drummed all over their scenes, even though we got foamcore and taped up the doors. It looked like we were having a slumber party or getting ready for a peyote trip.You have previously said that Been Trill wasn’t supposed to last past 2013. It’s almost 2015…
MW: It was a mistake, an accident. Been Trill is moving to something that’s more of a brand or a platform for other people and we just want to have it be something for people that we like or are inspired by. I’m definitely willing to have something happen, but there’s no plan of attack.