《THE NEW ORDER》專訪 Hiroshi Fujiwara 與 Tetsu Nishiyama - 談論 OLIVE 合作企劃
近日,街頭文化著名刊物《THE NEW ORDER》專訪了 Hiroshi Fujiwara 與 WTAPS 設計師 Tetsu Nishiyama。在採訪中,兩人就 POOL aoyama 與

近日,街頭文化著名刊物《THE NEW ORDER》專訪了 Hiroshi Fujiwara 與 WTAPS 設計師 Tetsu Nishiyama。在採訪中,兩人就 POOL aoyama 與 WTAPS/FPAR 合作企劃背後的故事、OLIVE 企劃內幕故事以及未來的合作計劃向《THE NEW ORDER》主編 James Oliver 娓娓道來。此外,關於東京新潮流地標的出現以及零售業的發展,兩位日本街頭文化領袖人物也發表了各自的看法。有興趣的朋友可以在《THE NEW ORDER》網站在線閱讀整篇深度專訪。
Can you talk about how this project came to fruition? What was the catalyst of bringing together the POOL Aoyama and WTAPS/FPAR?
Tetsu Nishiyama: I’ve known Hiroshi for a long time now, however the background of the story also involves Kiyonaga from SOPH. We’ve known him for quite some time now as well. The direction and production actually comes with Kiyonaga and Hiroshi. It was originally Kiyonaga and Hiroshi that approached me with the idea of doing something together. From my interpretation, it comes from us all having known each other from before, and having recently been reunited with Hiroshi after not seeing him for a while, is what probably brought us all together for this project. I guess it happened in a natural way.Can you explain the concept of OLIVE? Where did the inspiration come from?
Hiroshi Fujiwara: The concept and name for OLIVE was something that I originally came up with. This was decided even before the POOL aoyama was opened. In fact, before the POOL aoyama was even built, WHITE, FLOWER and OLIVE were already projects that had already been planned in advance. OLIVE, the most recent project is based more on a theme of military and khaki aesthetics