adidas 為世界杯打造 adiPower Pre-Cooling 概念運動服

爲了抵抗今年夏季在巴西的炎熱天氣,著名運動品牌 adidas 特別打造了一項名爲 adiPower Pre-Cooling

Lifestyle 生活 Sports 體育

爲了抵抗今年夏季在巴西的炎熱天氣,著名運動品牌 adidas 特別打造了一項名爲 adiPower Pre-Cooling 的技術,從而幫助旗下簽約球隊在世界杯上獲得更好的表現。這項設計主要包含背心和袖子兩個部分,並通過下臂和後背的 Hyper-Absorbent 顆粒區域,降低身體溫度並減少中暑的幾率。對此 adidas 高級研究員 Dr. Maarten Hupperets 表示:

With some match temperatures in Brazil expected to be as warm as 30°c this summer, the adiPower pre-cooling concept will ensure body temperatures stay low and allow the world’s best players to perform at their optimum level. Our cutting edge product development reinforces the position of adidas as the global leader of innovation in soccer and the technology of the adiPower pre-cooling vest and sleeves will help adidas players to succeed on the world’s greatest soccer stage.

目前這項設計仍處于改進的階段,並將于 6 月 12 日世界杯開幕之後,由各隊在賽前和中場休息時穿著使用。


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