一覽《Mad Men》拍攝場景設計

美國 AMC 旗下的金牌劇集《Mad Men》在近幾年的各大影視頒獎典禮上可謂拿獎拿到手軟,劇中的男主角 Jon Hamm 和女主角 January Jones

Design 設計
223 Hypes

美國 AMC 旗下的金牌劇集《Mad Men》在近幾年的各大影視頒獎典禮上可謂拿獎拿到手軟,劇中的男主角 Jon Hamm 和女主角 January Jones 也因為此劇的火爆熱播而人氣直升。《Mad Men》系列劇集的最大特色就是營造出了上世紀美國 5、60 年代廣告業的掘起,以及那個璀璨年代的浮華榮光。為了營造出那個時代的文化特征,美術設計 Dan Bishop 和布景師 Claudette Didul 可謂絞盡了腦汁。而編劇 Matthew Weiner 則請來了《Only Magazine》的室內設計師 Cindy Allen 來幫助劇組工作人員呈現出上世紀 5、60 年代,東海岸和西海岸截然不同的室內布局。日前,劇組開放了他們位於洛杉磯的攝影棚讓大家有幸可以一睹這些拍攝場景的風采,喜歡的朋友不要錯過。此外,Interior Design 還特地專訪了 Don Draper,完整內容不妨點擊這裡閱讀。

You mentioned learning there was a distinction between modernism on the East Coast versus West.

Yes, our set for Don and Betty Draper’s Westchester house is pretty much like houses in Baltimore. I thought it would be possible for the Drapers to have a Heywood-Wakefield dining set, but my team said, “No, no, no!” Even the color palette—I was thinking more sand and aqua, but it wasn’t. The sets needed to be not just Danish mid-century but East Coast Danish mid-century. It’s exciting to be that specific. I looked at documentaries and ads from the time period. It became this huge education.

Can we talk about your team?

Everyone is not just fetishistic about detail but also always concerned with storytelling. Everything is story. All the clutter you see reflects the characters. What’s revolutionary is that all the sets connect. For example, the Sterling Cooper office is some version of the Drapers’ apartment, which is quintessentially mid-century Knoll, Herman Miller, Steelcase.

I am forever asking photographers to shoot as if they were telling a story. How do you breathe life into a creation of your own imagination?

I’m working in a completely fake environment where we control everything. How do we make this feel like it’s real? In every picture of an office from 1930 on, the wires are cut off every lamp, because they look terrible. I tell the set-design team, “Put the wires on!” Right away, something happens. Why is there all that ugly stuff hanging off the desks? Because that’s how it would really be. It’s just as important for me to show a character’s open desk drawer with a half roll of Life Savers, with the paper rolled back, as it is to find the perfect dining table.


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