
Thomas Jacob 曾是一名奢華時尚品牌的設計師,不過最近他卻另起爐灶創立了自己的品牌。該系列取名爲 Project Pietá,並且主要是以秘魯監獄的犯人爲靈感,而 Jacob

Fashion 時裝

Thomas Jacob 曾是一名奢華時尚品牌的設計師,不過最近他卻另起爐灶創立了自己的品牌。該系列取名爲 Project Pietá,並且主要是以秘魯監獄的犯人爲靈感,而 Jacob 更大膽起用這些犯人,不僅教他們如何制作衣服,還帶領他們體驗了從設計到生産的全過程。Jacob 希望能夠以此向全世界展示,監獄和任何品牌的工作室一樣,也是可以制作出高品質時裝的。目前 Project Pietá 企劃已經生産出衆多衣服和鞋履,並且已經發展到了邁阿密和洛杉矶的監獄之中。下面便帶來 Jacob 接受《Oyster Magazine》雜志采訪的節選內容,而 Project Pietá 全系單品均可經由這裏購得。

How did you first hear about San Pedro prison and how did the project first come about?
The project began two years ago. But for a year we just developed samples and prototypes. It was difficult to reach the level I expected in the beginning, so we had to work a lot to reach a high quality level. I didn’t want to make a common brand, making average-quality products. I wanted to show at the world at in theses jails with all our efforts and talent, we could make a high quality work like any other high fashion studio. It all started when I had the opportunity to visit a jail here in Lima with a French friend. I met a lot of wonderful people, warm, open minded and very far from the image you may have of prison inmates here. These people came from underprivileged upbringings and were now idling in prison with nothing to make of their days.

In reality they to learn a skill, to work, to earn money, but they didn’t have any opportunities. There were some unused sewing and knitting machines, just for the intern’s needs. I felt that it was an amazing possibility for them to create something strong. We stayed discussing this for many hours and I felt an incredible energy and motivation that I couldn’t give up on, and so I promised to return soon. I made some designs, I spoke with the prison administration and we began work on the samples.

Thanks to the skills of the inmates (sewing, knitting, embroidering, leather working) the collection represents a very high quality. We work in three prisons now. The women’s prison Santa-Monica (in Chorrillos, south of Lima and the two men’s prisons San Jorge and San Pedro in Lurigancho. This prison is well known because it’s the worst jail of the country, and one of the hardest in the world.

How often do you meet with the prisoners and what was your first meeting with them like?
From the first day, the meeting was incredible. They always have been very warm and cool with me. For two years now, I go to the jails everyday, but with three jails it’s like one or two times a week each. So now we are friends. More than friends, a family I suppose. And with all the people who have been released, there is still friendship.

What’s the ethos or mission statement of the brand?
The goal is to sell more and more clothes in order to produce more and more stuff and in order to work with more inmates and more jails! It’s very important for them to earn money. When you are alone what can you do except die slowly? Working permits you to earn a regular income and you don’t depend from the others to live. For the inmates, it also allows for hope and confidence. And each day of work means another day towards getting out of jail.




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