Anthony Van Engelen 接受 Slam City Skates 專訪談及 Fucking Awesome 以及離開 Alien Workshop
隨著知名滑手 Anthony Van Engelen 正式離開了 Alien Workshop,倫敦知名滑板店舖 Slam City Skates 近日也與 Engelen

隨著知名滑手 Anthony Van Engelen 正式離開了 Alien Workshop,倫敦知名滑板店舖 Slam City Skates 近日也與 Engelen 一同來談論當中離開的理由以及與 Jason Dill 一同開創新公司 Fucking Awesome 背後的起因與過程。此外,作為一名知名的滑手,更談及到現時滑板文化的情況以及作為老一輩滑手的各種看法等內容。留意以下部份的採訪內容外,也可馬上前往這裡查閱完整的訪問。
How is it going Anthony are you alright?
Yeah it’s going good. I just got back from a three week tour so I’m at home in Los Angeles getting ready to go back out there.You were recently in London when the House Of Vans park opened. Was it a trip seeing how far Vans has progressed as a company?
Yeah, I mean it’s crazy. Being there in that whole space they’ve got going on over there. It’ s sick. I just feel that skateboarding as a whole and of course Vans just has that spot in skateboarding historically so to see where skateboarding is at in 2014 is a fucking trip man!Do you like it in London?
Yeah I like London, unfortunately every time I come I don’t ever really spend that much time there. I feel like every time I come it’s just for three days. Definitely on this last trip I wanted to stay for a little longer because I have never gotten a good amount of time there.I feel like there was a period of adjustment after everything happened with Alien Workshop. It was where everyone fitted really well at one certain point. Sometimes it’s weird when you see people appear on another company and it doesn’t sit right. With you and Jason starting Fucking Awesome it not only makes sense it feels like it has been like that for a long time. Is it a relief riding for something that is 100 per cent your input and all the decisions are yours?
Is it a relief to be in that position? Ha, yes and no. You know, obviously with doing something like that comes a whole lot of other responsibility behind the scenes. But it has been amazing and I know definitely for a fact even prior to moving into this idea that it was absolutely the right thing to be doing and what we needed to be doing. It has been a super good experience but like I said it comes with it’s challenges too but I’m fucking stoked, it was the obvious next move for us.