A$AP Rocky 解釋《Multiply》中歌詞對 Hood by Air 的攻擊

「HBA shit is weak,you can keep that」是 A$AP Rocky 在自己最新單曲《Multiply》中對 Shayne Oliver 主理品牌 Hood by Air

Fashion 時裝

「HBA shit is weak,you can keep that」是 A$AP Rocky 在自己最新單曲《Multiply》中對 Shayne Oliver 主理品牌 Hood by Air 的抨擊。過去的 Rocky 可以說對 HBA 倍爱有加 ,除了親身示範之外,在歌曲中以像「 I’m a stunna, Hood by Air for the summer / Toast to the God and it cost nine hunna.」和「Hood by Air, to the do-rag,」這樣的歌詞來力挺品牌,但其現在的行為較之前可謂是180 度大轉彎。而紐約時尚媒體 The Cut 也針對此話題在由 Dior 贊助的古根海姆國際慈善晚宴中採訪了 A$AP Rocky。他仍舊堅持歌詞中抨擊 Hood by Air 以及 Been Trill 的觀點,并解釋了歌詞背後的意義,聲稱這是因為現在的自己對於時尚的理解已經不同於以往,但不意味着和兩品牌之間有巨大的矛盾。以下便是 The Cut 採訪 A$AP Rocky 的原文。

Anything in particular?

I’m going to put it to you like this: I can say that I’ve been scrutinized for my fashion since I was about 15 years old. A lot of people got it easy. I feel like I had to go through the whole Civil Rights Movement just to be comfortable, to make other people comfortable, to be able to wear what they want to wear, and a lot of dudes are just claiming to have it without having to have that sacrifice or suffering through all that kind of shit. We’ve been through that kind of shit. That’s all I can really say about it. It is really miniscule. It’s no real beef.

What do you mean, you’ve been through everything?

No, meaning the way that I look now, this wasn’t acceptable about 12 years ago in the hood. [He’s wearing a closely tailored black suit.] Because we’ve always been dressing like this and it wasn’t acceptable and we made it acceptable.

And there is an aspect of those guys that doesn’t get that?

They changed. They look like me now. Or at least they try to.

I’m just trying to understand what you mean. These guys don’t understand what you experienced in fashion?

What guys are you referring to at the moment?

The Hood by Air folks.

I’m not even talking about them at the moment; I’m talking about regular, typical motherfuckers, people in the hood, in middle America, all around the world.



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