Action Bronson Puts His Knowledge of Asian Cuisine to the Test
Bam Bam gets his eat on.
Action Bronson, the man with more talents than a swiss army knife, recently sat down with 88rising to see if his culinary expertise stretched to the Orient. The Flushing native, who started his career as an enigmatic rapper, has lately been blowing up in the food game. Having dropped a cookbook titled F*ck, That’s Delicious: An Annotated Guide to Eating Well — named after his related VICELAND series — earlier this year, Bronsolino has now just announced his own late-night cooking show. The show will no doubt be packed full of laughs and highlight Bronson’s talents for whipping up a mean chicken parm.
Yet for all his culinary wizardry, Bam Bam is left a little confounded by more than one Asian dish in this recent video. Be sure to check it out above and stay tuned to HYPEBEAST for more info on Action’s upcoming show.