Take a Tour of Tokyo's Intimate Cocktail Bars
Each one a time capsule of a golden, bygone age.
Painstaking attention to detail, immaculate presentation and unmatched hospitality are tenets of the Japanese that have elevated many cultural fields, of which cocktail bars are no exception. The best place in the world to witness the perfection that is the Japanese cocktail bar is Tokyo, specifically in its swanky Ginza district, which plays host every night to world-class, bow-tie-clad bartenders entertaining minuscule bars that often seat no more than a dozen patrons. Monocle magazine surveys the best of the bunch in this short film, many of which boast stunning interiors that ooze old-world class and remain unchanged from the year in which they opened. Enjoy the magazine’s recommendations above, and find more of the same in this tour of the world’s top up-and-coming gin distilleries.