露宿風雪,為了一雙 KITH x adidas Originals Primeknit Tubular Doom!

為潮鞋可以幾盡?Ronnie Fieg 解釋 2 米積雪鐵期不改之故!

Footwear 球鞋

今日,香港台灣大陸都很冷,很多人心裡熱切期待上山賞雪。紐約現時氣溫零下 2 度,數據上看,天氣應該差不多,但看圖就知本年首個肆虐美國東岸的暴風雪 Jonas 絕不和善,2 米高的積雪下,紐約變成死城。這條如幻覺的人龍,全都為了刻下地上最待望之 Collabo KITH x adidas Originals Primeknit Tubular Doom,因為 KITH 沒有改期,因此大家雪地露宿排隊。KITH 主腦 Ronnie Fieg 在 Instagram 上載這兩張相,Caption 寫上 “Nice Try Jonas, Doomsday”,暗示暴風雪敵不過這雙鞋的魅力。但這句話點點雪中風涼,有網友不齒有人為了視覺震撼害人,火爆留言 Fxxk This Guy,Ronnie 當然不甘示弱,解釋無數鞋迷穿州過省遠道而來,為免他們失望,所以維持原定發售日期,只是員工不足才不能安排大家店內等候。他最後以 20 年賣鞋經驗作結,還說願者排隊,暗示已作出最佳安排。

話說美國氣象局早在 10 日前已預報 Winter Storm Jonas 吹襲紐約,一切絕非驚喜。到底 Ronnie Fieg 打從骨子內可有期待這兩張雪地人龍的照片?Well…

“This is some asshole shit, why wouldn’t they just reschedule the release? No way this guy can be that money hungry to put all these people in this situation, I feel terrible for the employees and the fans. Fuck this guy.”

“The reason we didn’t reschedule is because there were people who traveled from different states and people who were staying in the city ready for the drop. It wouldn’t be fair to them to change it up. Nobody forced anyone to come to the shop. I don’t like having people waiting in the cold to buy shoes, I don’t get off on that. If I would have had a full staff this morning, I would have set up the line in the shop but we were undermanned and we did everything we could. Before you say, “fuck this guy” just remember I’ve been doing this for 20 years and I already know the right and wrong things to do.”



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Footwear 球鞋

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