A.P.C. 宣布注資運動品牌 Outdoor Voices 及推出合作產品

由 Tyler Haney 創辦的美國運動品牌 Outdoor Voices ,一直推行簡約設計的機能服裝,主要採用獨特單色調如沙色、灰色等配上拼接物料營造出強烈的層次感,建設出一套獨有的美學概念。品牌在 Instagram 上大受歡迎,在德洲 Blanco Street 亦設有實體店。成立兩年半的 Outdoor Voices 最近宣布成功籌得達 7 百萬美金以持續發展品牌,其中投資者之一 A.P.C. 將會與這顆新星合作推出產品,令人期待。A.P.C. 創辦人 Jean Touitou 提到為何挑選他們作合作對象:
I knew that I loved OV when I saw their fabric selection. They are so material focused that I immediately thought they were just like us. It’s a good time to mix real sportswear with real fashion, so the opportunity to invest was too good to miss.